Marketing Eye

Tag: Small Business

Small businesses are increasingly turning to AI-driven marketing agencies to stay competitive and achieve their growth objectives. These agencies utilize advanced technologies to deliver highly proficient marketing strategies while ensuring a personalized touch. Let us look at the reasons behind this trend, the effect of AI in marketing, the benefits of automation and how marketing professionals add value. We will also discuss the best AI tools, including Robotic Marketer, and highlight how Marketing Eye Atlanta utilizes AI to scale marketing efforts for small businesses.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

In an era where digital transformation dictates market dynamics, small businesses often find themselves at a crossroads.

The challenge?

Developing marketing strategies that not only compete with industry leaders but also resonate with an increasingly digital-savvy consumer base.

Enter the AI marketing strategy generator, a technological marvel leveling the playing field for small enterprises across the globe.

The Blue Ocean Strategy is a business theory and a book by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne that challenges companies to break out of the "red ocean" of fierce competition and create their own "blue ocean" of uncontested market space. Here's a breakdown of what this strategy entails and whether it's something your small business should consider.

As a small business owner, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is essential to the long-term success of your business. One strategy that can help achieve this goal is forming strategic alliances with other businesses. Strategic alliances are mutually beneficial partnerships between two or more businesses that work together to achieve common goals.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Tuesday, 19 November 2019 14:56

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Starting a small business is always going to be a tough venture. No matter what industry you want to enter, there are at least a hundred other companies doing something similar to yours. The market is already saturated with ads and marketing campaigns, but you still need to find a way to cut through all the noise. Guerrilla marketing is an excellent way to implement a marketing strategy that is a fraction of the cost of a regular strategy. Below, we discuss what guerrilla marketing is, the components of a successful guerrilla marketing campaign, and the types of guerrilla marketing that work the best.

Published in Marketing
Thursday, 26 July 2018 11:06

Nailing the "Group Hug"

They are an affectionate bunch - by accident. It's not how they intended to be and it certainly is not politically correct to hug your colleagues particularly in this era of 'harassment' claims, but someone had to do it, and they did it right.
Published in Culture
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world of endless PTO, stunning vacation destinations, and perfect work-life balance? Unfortunately for most small business or startups, this is the stuff of dreams. They are often more focused on “surviving” than “thriving”.

When the focus is on “surviving”, the more creative aspects of a business such as content marketing can be stifled. Keeping up with emerging technologies and societal trends and consistently meeting the customer’s ever-changing needs is exhausting. To make it a little easier, we broke it down for you.

Published in Marketing
Are you tired of posting blogs on your business’s website and not receiving hits? Sick of sending newsletters and not getting high open rates? It is stressful to put your heart and soul into something you write and have no one read it. There is one thing you should always think about before writing - everything you write must be written with a purpose.
Published in Marketing
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