Marketing Eye

Tag: sleepwalking

Saturday, 05 May 2012 21:49

Are you sleepwalking your business away?

Theories by Freud and Carl Jung gained prominence and influence as much in history as they do today. While the relevance to their theories vary depending on who you talk to, there is one general consensus on 'unconscious state of being'.

The question I pose to you is 'Are you sleepwalking your business away?'

Let's not pretend we have never done this. That it is not you. Surely, if you have been in business for a long time, you can relate to this.

At some stage, all entrepreneurs fall into the trap of sleepwalking through life. It may be only for a week, a month or perhaps, a year. Where we wake up, shower, get dressed, travel to work, get a coffee, and start work. At whatever hour in the evening, we finish, we go home, we eat and we go to sleep - only to do it all over again the next day.

Freud had a theory, albeit, flawed, about people existing in an unconscious state of being. At one time or another, many entrepreneurs fall prey to this unconscious state of being, because work dictates life and we forget how to live.