Marketing Eye

Tag: retail

In the huge and diversified industry of snack marketing, the key to success lies not just in the quality of your product but equally in the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Launching a new snack and making it a household name in the USA requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Let's delve into actionable tips and real-life examples to guide you on the path to marketing success in 2024.
Published in Marketing
It seems so often that we focus on external perceptions of what we should or shouldn’t be doing. 

For me, 2016 is about, sharing what I know, giving all I got, and helping others achieve their goals. 

I’ve always felt that I’ve lived with abundance, even as a kid I had the sort of personality that led me to help, share, and try to look at the “bright side of life”. But this year I decided to step it up a notch, and actively consolidated my abundance philosophy across all aspects of my life and business in a tangible way.

Here’s how I’m doing it, and you can do it too:
Published in Culture
I've never thought much about getting married... until I met the owner of Elite Pour La Vie in Atlanta. She shared her vision with me on why she was building Atlanta's most exclusive wedding and evening gown dress boutique.

Elite Pour La Vie features many high-end fashion designers such as Baracci, Marchesa, Zuhair Murad, Charbel Zoe, Mac Duggal, and Johnathan Kayne.
Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Now that Halloween is over the countdown is on!  With 7 weeks till Christmas there are a few large retailers who have already put together their Christmas displays and holiday marketing campaigns.

Here is your retail holiday marketing survival guide to help you ease through the holidays.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
The countdown to Christmas is on and while we are all still enjoying the Spring Racing Carnival, there are a few large retailers who have already put together their Christmas displays and have started their Christmas marketing campaigns.

So what should you do? Do you start early because they have, or do you wait until it is closer to Christmas?

I have put together a reatil marketing "TO DO" list to help you decide what actions to take. 

1. Connect with customers early

In today’s marketing world, there are so many ways to connect with your customers, and when it comes to marketing at Christmas time, the earlier, the better. Especially when it comes to those big ticket items that require some research.

Start sending incentives and loyalty packages out in October, to lure customers to your store over your competitors. Make sure your customers know all about the latest products, and give them reason to purchase early to ensure that they don’t miss out.

Published in Marketing
Thursday, 04 December 2014 00:00

Why Black Fridays are black days for marketing

Black Friday is an example of marketing gone horribly wrong. To me they seem to bring out the worst in humanity; fights over televisions, people stepping on fellow human beings as they fall just to get to the deal quicker, ugly language and uglier behavior all in the name of a bargain.

After Thanksgiving, a holiday in which life is celebrated, it seems life is once again commoditised, the thanks is forgotten and the giving expected not earned.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 02 November 2011 00:13

Retail Marketing Ideas For Xmas Trading

There are a lot of retailers out there hurting - real bad! With a global financial crisis, it seems that retailers have been hardest hit and on top of that, the added burden of new marketing techniques seem to be almost impossible to keep up with. It also doesn't help that online sales of retail products seem to be all the go and quite often consumers can get the same product, cheaper from Asia or the US, just by buying online.

However, there is some positive news. With the Retailers Association pushing consumers to go back to buying from  local shops and Xmas just weeks away, retail should be on the 'up'.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 25 May 2011 21:02

Retail is dying

Retail is dying. Is it? Is the economy really as bad as everyone is saying. Last night on the ABC, they confirmed that advertising spend is down and this is a real indicator of how well the economy is going.
Monday, 15 February 2010 18:11

Will you be my valentine?

According to Wikipedia:  Saint Valentine’s Day (commonly shortened to Valentine’s Day) is an annual holiday held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.  The holiday is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established in AD 496. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as “valentines“).
Published in Management
Thursday, 02 December 2010 19:40

Marketing Eye Gets Fashionable

pic-helen-20101125-IMG_7626-200x300Marketing Eye is helping small to medium sized fashion and retail labels with top notch Marketing Consultant, Helen Tirekidis joining the team. 

Helen has a wealth of experience and has worked with all the big labels in town with more than 15 years experience in marketing international prestige brands.
Published in Marketing
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