Marketing Eye

Tag: productivity

In the movie “The Fall Guy”, stars like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt have drawn audiences into a kaleidoscope of narratives that transported, inspired and entertained. I know first-hand staying up late at night binge-watching the movie on Netflix because I simply could not stop watching! However, what lies behind is what is truly remarkable – stuntmen, coordinators and crew – whose tireless efforts orchestrated the magic subtly from behind the curtains. This intricate dance of collaboration and support in movies like "The Fall Guy" mirrors essential principles in business, where leadership is about making the most of the collective strength of a team to achieve desired results. 

Let us discover how we, as business leaders, can take a leaf out of “The Fall Guy” movie and sharpen our leadership skills.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

In the hustle and bustle of our professional lives, the importance of a good night's sleep often takes a back seat. However, the impact of sleep on our professional presence is profound and far-reaching. Let us explore the intricate connection between quality sleep and professional success, understanding the ways in which adequate rest can transform not only our physical well-being but also our overall effectiveness in the workplace.

Published in Culture

In a world where the competition is intense, mastering the art of productivity is the key to success. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a budding entrepreneur, or just starting your career journey, making the most of your 8-hour workday is crucial. Let us look at a few practical and actionable productivity hacks that can elevate your efficiency, focus, and overall work performance without making things overly complicated.

Published in Management

One of the biggest complaints that marketers have is that they don’t have enough time to do everything on their ‘to do list’. With a constant stream of demands from managers and sales team, the list is long and often unmanageable. In 2023, making your marketing team more productive is a priority of many marketing managers and business leaders.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

A marketing teams productivity requires individuals and teams within a business to work efficiently and effectively to optimize output. When marketing teams are productive, they are highly motivated, full of energy, invest in training and development and in general manage their time and environment in a way that produces the best results.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Thursday, 10 January 2019 11:56

Supercharge Your Creative Energy with Exercise

Have you ever been on a jog or in a cycling class, and suddenly you have a really brilliant, creative idea? In addition to being physically fit, the effects of exercise on your mind are multi-faceted, and creativity is just one of the benefits.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 30 March 2016 15:40

How to Stay Productive All Day Long

That is an almost impossible task, but this blog will equip you with some tips on how to be your most productive self throughout the day. Each individual is different. Some must have caffeine before opening their computer for the day while others are considered “morning people” and are most productive in the morning.

We must find what works for us,and I am here to share how I stay productive… most days.

Published in Entrepreneurship
Thursday, 21 January 2016 09:59

The Secret To Improving Work Life Balance

Our extrordinary client Bob Muscat is Marketing Eye's featured guest blogger of the week. He is a strategy and operations expert with 30 years experience helping companies dramatically improve the profit in their business. His background is unusual because it is extraordinarily varied. He specializes in results – and nothing else! Take a look at his secret to improving the desired balence between work and life.

Published in Guest Blog
Everyone at some time in their lives has felt that their world has curved in. Things become heavy, dark and almost impossible to keep afloat - but there is light at the end of the tunnel, if only we all can see it.

It's how we handle these experiences of difficulties that show our real character and ability to be resilient in the face of adversity now and in the future.

Published in Marketing