Marketing Eye

Tag: mobile marketing

The rise of digital advertising has completely transformed the way businesses reach their target audience. From social media platforms to search engines, there are numerous channels through which digital ads can be delivered. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to create a digital ad that truly engages and converts the target audience.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

The world of digital content is constantly evolving, and businesses must adapt to stay ahead of the curve. Interactive content refers to digital media that allows users to actively participate and engage with the content, rather than simply consuming it passively.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

According to Statista, the US will have an estimated 301 million smartphone owners in 2022. The number of smartphone users will continue to rise as smartphone ownership is significantly higher across advanced economics such as the US, Australia, South Korean, and Japan.

Mobile devices are closely embedded into our daily lives. What once was seen as an exclusive form of telephone service is now a staple item for every individual. When Steve Jobs walked the stage at the Macworld Expo in January 2007, he introduced the world’s first all-touch interface, the iPhone. Who knew that the iPhone would become a key driver in the smartphone revolution? Ultimately, transforming how websites are being built and used.  

Here is why a mobile-friendly website is becoming more important: 

Published in Marketing

I would tell you that mobile marketing is the future of marketing, but the age of smartphones has already arrived. According to a recent survey by Demand Gen Report, in 2018, 66% of B2B buyers strongly agree that companies should make it easier to access their content. Utilizing mobile marketing within your overall marketing strategy can be an advantage towards your business as it uses a combination of marketing channels to connect with your audience through their mobile devices, and generate leads.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 29 December 2017 10:06

Can't Beat It? Join It.

Did you know that around the world, people purchase a mobile phone subscription before almost any other product? Literally after people have fed and supplied shelter for their families, their next priority is having a cell phone.
Published in Marketing
When was the last time you watched an entire TV program without looking at your phone?

Can't remember? Don't worry, you're not alone. Deloitte’s multigenerational State of the Media Democracy survey polled more than 2000 consumers and found that more than 80 per cent of American consumers are multi-tasking while watching TV. This includes texting, streaming video, social networking and web browsing. And yes, live-tweeting a TV show or movie counts as well.

On top of that, 26 per cent of consumers own a laptop, smartphone and tablet, making them digital omnivores. Tablet ownership alone has jumped by 177 per cent in the past year.

Published in Marketing
Today I had a meeting with mobile marketing guru Dipen Patel from an innovative bluetooth and wifi mobile marketing company, SpidaNet.

Being an avid adopter of new technologies and in particular integrated marketing campaigns, I can assure you, I held on to his every word.