Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing - Page 21

Monday, 19 October 2020 14:27

Why You Should Write a Business Plan

For those that are starting businesses right now, it’s crucial to establish a secure foundation amidst the whirlwind of tasks that need to be done. Writing a business plan is an essential first step for all business leaders who are hoping to prepare and start out on the right foot moving forward. Business leaders who take the time to write a business plan are 16% more likely to succeed than those who don’t. Below, we have four reasons why you should write a business plan.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 16 October 2020 11:35

How Marketing and Advertising Work Together

If you don’t fully understand the difference between marketing and advertising, you are not alone! Marketing and advertising are certainly related and intertwined, but there is a distinguishable difference between the two platforms. Each platform has different processes and approaches to promote products and services, but they work towards the same goal. Knowing how they differentiate will put your business on the path to success.

Published in Marketing
Monday, 22 February 2021 10:45

Keeping Your Business Relevant Right Now

Businesses around the world are struggling to find ways to be relevant in a business climate that is constantly changing. It can be a difficult process to find new ways to stick out from your competition on a good day, so it's important to find ways to reach your audience even when it's challenging. Below, we discuss four ways your business can stay relevant in even the most challenging business climates. 

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 14 October 2020 14:31

Implementing a Chatbot for Customer Service

Chatbots are here to usher in a new era of customer service! Are you ready? Customer service agents will always be needed for the human element of customer conversations, but a chatbot can significantly assist your customer service team. Customer service agents love automated services like this because it frees them up to focus on the bigger pieces of their work. It creates a win-win situation where the chances that a customer will have to call in for support are diminished while being more productive with the time of the customer service agents. Below, we have some ways that a chat could change the way your customer service operates.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 15:33

Why You Need a Marketing Strategy

You might feel as if implementing a marketing strategy is more of a guideline than a rule, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You wouldn’t play chess without a strategy, so you shouldn’t market your company without one. Sure, budgets may be tight, and it could be hard to justify implementing a strategy that would require time and, especially if it’s outsourced, money. But the truth is, you can’t afford not to have a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is instrumental to the success of your company. Your company may barely survive without one, but it will never thrive. You can’t afford to not have a marketing strategy because without your marketing efforts will be much weaker. A company’s strength comes from its very best plans. Why wouldn’t you want to put your company’s very best foot forward on the path to success?


Published in Marketing

Growing your business isn't easy, especially during a period of economic challenges. With all of the challenges that businesses face daily, it's important to utilize all of your available resources to generate interest. Leveraging your customer's experience is an excellent way to build brand awareness and generate engagement with new prospects and leads. Below, we have four ways to leverage your customers to grow brand awareness.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 06 October 2020 12:29

How to Write an Excellent Case Study

Winning over prospective customers is never an easy task. You have to demonstrate that you are capable of delivering on what your product promises. Writing case studies are a perfect way to showcase your company’s ability to follow through on what you provide. A case study examines the customer’s challenge or pain point and what it took to get a solution. They can vary in length, but the case study should measure success using metrics that your client has agreed upon. A well-written case study shows the positive impact your business has on your customer base. Below, we discuss how to write a case study that will attract new leads.

Published in Marketing
Monday, 05 October 2020 14:17

How to Identify Your Target Audience

Whether you are selling a product or a service, it’s intended for a specific group of customers or a target market. But do you understand anything about that group of people? This where a target audience comes, which defines that group of people. A target audience is a group of consumers characterized by behaviors and specific demographics, and knowing your target audience can help to influence decision making for a marketing strategy. Finding your target audience takes a lot of work and research so that you can figure out who exactly you want to reach. Below, we have some tips on how to find your target audience.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 02 October 2020 14:28

Keeping Up in the Age of Video

Video marketing is a distinct niche in the content marketing world, one that seemingly requires a bunch of work and expertise to effectively pull off. The good news is that this isn’t necessarily true! No matter what your company is doing the video realm or how you feel about video in general, there’s no denying the power and impact that video marketing can have for your business. Video marketing is a powerful tool that can educate and entertain your audience at one time, allowing you to drive engagement in new, creative ways. 

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 30 September 2020 15:35

How to Improve the User Experience on Your Website

What is the user experience on your website like? Today’s users are looking for a website that is informative, modern looking, intuitive, and easy to use. If your website doesn’t perform the way it should, it will negatively affect your brand awareness and engagement. Below, we have four tips to make your website more user-friendly for your audience.

Published in Marketing
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