Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing strategies - Page 4

Wednesday, 26 September 2018 16:41

The Flow of Value Through the Marketing Mix

Michael Powell once said, “Only when you bring value to others, will you bring value to yourself.” Looking at this quote from a business standpoint, your brand value will only increase if your company is able to provide true value to your customers first. Your marketing mix (or 4 P’s), which is part of your marketing strategy, can help you decide what value to provide to customers and how to best communicate that value. The 4 P’s of the marketing mix outlines the right product (or service) to sell, the right price to sell it at, the right place to deliver it, and the right promotions to get it known. Value, of course, should be at the heart of every “P.”

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 18 September 2018 16:23

What Gives Marketing Consultants a Leg Up?

At Marketing Eye, we employ a lot of marketers and over the years you learn to define what type of marketer you look for in a role such as marketing consulting.

Published in Marketing
I was told (by someone I have the utmost respect for) to forget about developing Robotic Marketer. This is theworld's first robotic and AI-based technology that develops marketing strategies in minutes, not months. I thought about it for a nanosecond. I had this moment of being scared and defeated. Then I said to myself "but why should I?". I truly believe that I can do anything I set my mind to - and I'm right. 
Published in Entrepreneurship
Friday, 15 September 2017 17:12

Guerrilla Marketing Is Very Much Alive

We are used to having information thrown at us everyday, that at some point, we zone out and stop absorbing it all. Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics. It is about taking the consumer by surprise, making an indelible impression and creating copious amounts of social buzz. 
Published in Marketing
Friday, 21 April 2017 15:48

Great Marketing Starts With The Team

Marketing has always been known as a shot in the dark at best, however, times are changing and so have our processes. If your marketing team or agency doesn’t have answers for your questions as to why or how you are doing something, it’s probably because they are not trained correctly. A properly trained team can make all the difference when it comes to strategic marketing.
Published in Marketing
Friday, 27 January 2017 14:56

A Beautiful Ad Isn't Enough

You have already created the ad script, the ad objectives, and the ad design...and you’re probably thinking “once this gets posted we are all set to start seeing results”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. In most cases, developing an effective ad is much more than just aesthetics. In this blog we will examine 5 key parts to drive best practice advertising.
Wednesday, 03 October 2012 18:53

How does a marketing company market themselves?

We've all heard about 'why companies fail to grow' with literally thousands of books, blogs, articles and shows talking about why businesses have failed to grow or have had a sudden death.

When you ask someone who has had a business fail, why, they usually give you one reason. We all know that there is never one singular reason why a business fails, it usually is combination of things; market size, competition and demand all feature highly on external factors while operations, leadership, complacency, technology, marketing and lack of investment feature highly as internal reasons.

But the real story that we all should be following is 'why businesses grow and succeed' because in that, there are lessons and patterns we all can follow.
iStock_000007195500XSmall-300x299It’s Thursday and there is still quite a few to go. Why not try these tips?
Published in Management
0_0_200_http___i_haymarket_net_au_covers_crn_CRNMAYThomas Duryea CEO, Andrew Thomas, talks to CRN Magazine about how to build the largest independent, privately owned IT infrastructure company in Australia.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 21 October 2010 01:53

Ring, ring…

How many of you receive telemarketing calls on your mobile and feel like someone’ s intruded on your personal space?

What about when a machine from Vodafone rings you up and starts giving you a recorded message about the fact you should move from your current service provider to them?

Published in Marketing
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