Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing eye - Page 21

Today I was asked the question, "what inspires you to come up with blogs?"

The answer is simple: "things that happen in every day life often inspire me."

If the truth be told, the blogs have been few and far between of late because inspiration is being cluttered with real life work, legals and end of financial year in Australia.

Jackson, a talented young guy on a 3-month internship with Marketing Eye asked the question and then followed with, "what do you think of tattoos?"

I had to think - not much. I don't have one myself, but many people do. They don't offend me, nor do I think that it would affect my decision in hiring someone or giving them a promotion, but this is not the case with all organizations it seems.
Thursday, 07 February 2013 00:36

How to produce a mind-blowing podcast


As business owners and managers in an ever evolving world, our jobs become more challenging every day – every hour – to cut through clutter and make consumers notice our message.

How many times do we find ourselves repeating what we say to co-workers to get a message across?  For most of us, this isn’t a reflection of how we’re gauged as professionals or individuals but 95% attributable to the ‘151 rule’.

They say a person needs to hear new information at least three times before it registers into his/her mind for immediate recollection.  This has been taught over and over again to us and you can test it by saying aloud a new name you come across three times consciously.

When you target a market with a specific message the same rule applies, all except your target isn’t one person and those three times won’t cut it.  It’s all about repetition.  You have no control over which people are listening at what time of the day - so the logical bet is to be accessible and available 24/7/365.

A marketing consultant is not necessarily a marketing consultant.

From one to another, they are completely different. Some have great skills in strategy, others in tactical development and execution of marketing plans. Some are great at communicating but not fully across social media or what role advertising plays in the digital age.

In the past year, I have travelled the world talking to marketers and each one has something different to offer. They all have honed their skills in one area or another.

I first started my involvement in the marketing industry 21 years ago at an advertising agency that was quite small. I remember watching the owner of the business operate and being completely fascinated by his skills and creativity. He had started his career as a window dresser for a big retailer and way back in the early nineties was making more than a million dollars profit out of 5-man agency. Incredible.

Marketing Eye was approached by Spanish Doughnuts with the view to promoting the first annual “World Churro Eating Competition” to be held at Melbourne’s Federation Square. With just over two weeks to go before the event date it was full steam ahead from the off-set. Marketing Eye met with Michael Aldemir, Director of Spanish Doughnuts Australia for an initial brain storming session, from here the promotional strategy was developed and implemented.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 17 August 2011 19:51

If the shoe fits, it's yours

To build an extraordinary team, you need extraordinary people. People that are inspired, that create their own opportunities and who want to make their mark on the position so that in no time, they get career opportunities for advancement and the world is literally their oyster.

But how do you get these people to come and work for you when you are a small business? The answer is marketing. Now, as a company, we have failed miserably in attracting the right people for the job because we don't market the positions - we post them!

That's now going to change. Thanks to the awesome marketers on the team and an inspired point of view, we now are looking to create the ultimate marketing outfit - not just deliver great work.

What do you think of this?
Planking is the action of lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual public spaces and photographing it.

Marketing Eye CEO, Julie Schoneveld joined the craze today, together with Pip (the Director's dog). Planking is viral marketing at its best. There is not a day that goes by that there is not a report about planking.

P.S. If you like this marketing blog, then please feel free to share it on whatever social network medium you see fit. We love facebook, twitter and linkedin!
Published in Marketing
Saturday, 21 May 2011 22:45

What Women Want

What do women want? If you knew exactly what women want, then you would be the richest person on the planet because I don't think I know a woman that knows what she wants and unfortunately, I too am in that boat.
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