Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing eye - Page 18

Wednesday, 07 December 2016 17:05

Not Your Grandpa's Marketing

Still unsure of how effective your marketing efforts are?

Marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years. There is less ambiguity and uncertainty and more confidence in marketing tactics and strategies nowadays. This is largely due to the increased focus and availability of data to track results.
Published in Marketing
Monday, 21 November 2016 10:32

Ready To Roll Out Your 2017 Marketing Plan?

As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, businesses are scrambling to finalize their budgets, projects, and overall 2016 business goals.

Unfortunately, many businesses get lost in the chaos of closing out the year and forget to fully prepare a marketing strategy for the upcoming year. Hit the ground running in 2017 with a strategic marketing plan designed to guide your company to the next level.  
Published in Marketing
As I sit at my desk in the Marketing Eye Atlanta office, I am surrounded by books; A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, Fun is Good by Mike Veeck, The Girl in Times Square by Paullina Simons, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, The Art of Startup Fundraising by Alejandro Cremades, Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer, Scaling Lean by Ash Maurya, #askgaryvee by Gary Vaynerchuk and Tom Osborne on Leadership.
Published in Culture
You've read it many times before "Robots will never replace humans". Incorrect. They will. They are. And you're job is on the line especially if you are in marketing, and work at Marketing Eye.

Clients are continually concerned with the length of time it takes a human marketer to do the work that they do. Mostly, they are being short-sighted, but equally so, they are right. Marketing Automation took over a few years back for a reason. It took away the time it would normally take a human being to nurture a lead all the way to a sale. All a human needed to do was write the content, but even that is not so necessary today - however, proof-reading is.
Published in Marketing
Finally, I have a printed copy of the 2016/17 Global Marketing Strategy for Marketing Eye and it is being developed out to the point where every single item in the marketing strategy is given to a person who is responsible for outcomes.

It's particularly exciting given that usually we only share part of the plan, but this year, we decided to share it all - along with our profit sharing strategy for employees. It's time for many of our younger team members to start investing in houses or apartments, and they cannot do that without getting some real money behind them.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Friday, 22 April 2016 10:32

Flannel Friday

Before it gets too hot outside I have to share a tradition we have at Marketing Eye Atlanta- FLANNEL FRIDAY!!

All work and no play makes life barely bearable. In this office we truly live the expression “work hard, play hard.” When you have this many creative people in one room self expression is inevitable.  
Published in Culture
Marketing Eye is currently looking to expand its presence in New York, with new headquarters, new staff and the onboarding of 10 new licensees expected in the next 5 months. Who doesn't want to be part of New Yorks energy and the excitement of living in one of the best cities in the world? I do.

New York Is For Risk Takers, Creative Thinkers, Free-Spirited, Savvy Entrepreneurs Ready To Have A Go!

Published in Entrepreneurship
Yesterday I was bursting at the seams. Life couldn't get much better. I had a few meetings and they went so well, that I literally couldn't stop smiling and that feeling deep inside was one that I haven't felt in a long time.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Monday, 25 January 2016 13:44

The Modern Day Marketing Manager

Great Marketing Managers are a dime a dozen. 

A Marketing Manager can be as capable at 24 years old as they are at 40. It's just working out where your business is heading and whether or not your current marketing team can actually take you there or not.

When hiring a Marketing Mananger you should ask these questions:
Published in Marketing
I will make myself feel old writing this blog. It is a reminder of how long I have been in this industry. But during this time there has remained a sense of achievement with each and every issue of the thousands I have helped put together, including the latest issue of Marketing Eye.

When I first started in this industry back in 1996, Tupac was still alive, Trainspotting was released into cinemas and the French halted nuclear testing in the Pacific. A lot has changed in magazine production in that time, but the principles have stayed the same.
Published in Marketing
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