Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing eye - Page 16

Monday, 18 December 2017 17:09

What do you want?

Is it just me, or is it really difficult to say exactly what I want?
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 14 December 2017 12:19

What's the Difference?

Being a marketer who has a background in public relations, it’s always been very apparent that marketing and public relations overlap all the time. So much so, it becomes blurry where the two differentiate. This makes me wonder, are public relations and marketing evolving into the same department, or is there reasons the two remain separate entities?
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 13 December 2017 16:37

Did You Say Yes?

Do you own your own business? Getting a business up and running is a lot of work to do on your own. All entrepreneurs tend to have the same kind of ambitious characteristics. They are driven, goal oriented, self starters and risk takers. But between building your product and getting it out to the public, how do you know when it’s time to begin asking for help?
Published in Marketing
Saturday, 02 September 2017 19:26

Why every marketing team needs a data scientist

Speaking to a Professor at one of America's largest Universities the other day in Atlanta, was an eye-sight into how slow many universities are moving in creating educational programs for marketers to have jobs in the future.

This particular University, isn't sitting by the side-line. In fact, they are leading the way and have added Data Science to the program, and are ensuring that each and every person who does a marketing degree has an opportunity to learn about data science and all that it encompasses.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 31 August 2017 09:33

I'm feeling nostalgic about Atlanta

Waking up today, I have to say, I am feeling quite nostalgic about Atlanta and all it means to me over the past 5 years.

I came here with little or no expectations, just a desire to try something new. From there, and the people I met, something ticked. For many Atlanta appears from the outset to be quite sleepy, but once you cut through the leafy streets, and the urban sprawl, there is so much more depth.
Published in Management
Only recently, I came back to manage the Marketing Eye business, something I haven't done in more than 6 or 7 years.

It's a daunting task because all of a sudden you have responsibility and there are new ways in which you need to navigate how you lead the team, and take them where you want to go, but also, where they want to go.
Published in Management
My flight was delayed from Atlanta to Los Angeles and it didn't matter. I was in high spirits, drinking sparkling mineral water in the Amercian Airlines Lounge and writing down my ideas of how I would now change the company's business plan in highsight of the first quarter of this year.

I am inspired beyond belief and like many entrepreneurs, having the motivation to kick goals, climb any mountain and put on a brave face even though you may be scared shitless - is something that comes very naturally to me.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 01 March 2017 15:31

Staying Up To Date Is A Full Time Job

In every industry there are general best practices as it comes to how to perform certain tasks. However, due to technological advances, innovation has evolved into a much more powerful and fast moving obstacle. Every industry is being challenged both annually, quarterly, and even monthly to keep up with the times, maintaining competitive standards with the competition. So what does this mean for not just marketers, but everyone?
Published in Marketing
Friday, 17 February 2017 15:50

Finding The Right Fit

We’ve all been there, when you buy something at a cheaper price and later find out that you made a very bad choice. Whether you are buying a product or a service, quality comes at a price. The perfect storm of ‘cheap and efficient’ hardly ever coincide, and the same theory applies for marketing. Invest in a marketing team that cares about you, not your contract.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 09 February 2017 13:18

How To Win In The PR World

The world of public relations can be summed up in three words: chaotic, wild, and tedious. Don’t get me wrong, public relations is an exciting facet to the marketing mix, but it isn’t for everyone. After personally delving into the world of PR and having several press releases published, let’s take a look at a few key takeaways from my recent experiences.
Published in Marketing
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