Marketing Eye

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Tuesday, 18 June 2019 17:42

What is Channel Marketing?

Throughout my time at school studying marketing over the years, I would have to say that there are parts of marketing left out of the lessons and topics consistently. We are all aware of pieces of marketing like promotion and advertising, but there are so many other aspects of the field that are not equally known. Channel marketing is a vital and intricate part of the marketing process, and without it, would not be the same, and possibly could seize to exist. Whether you are a student of marketing- like myself- who wants to know more about this seldom noted topic or you are are a business owner who is wanting to simply know more about the world of marketing and what it has to your operations, there is a lot to be learned about how channel marketing works.

Published in Marketing
Monday, 17 June 2019 16:38

The Balancing Act of Being a Marketer.

The job of a marketer has changed and morphed over time. The position used to be more simple and straightforward, only focusing on a few things. With the advances in technology and the connectivity that the internet has provided for people all over the world, marketers are asked to do more tasks in less time. The marketer of today has become a hybrid position, the result of a marriage between business and creativity. The two main points or goals marketers are to maintain or increase their company's brand while doing the same for their revenue. These two areas are often polarized and at times not align with each other.

Published in Marketing

“Advertising is the same thing as marketing” most of us at some point have either heard this statement from someone else or have even said it ourselves. I know for a fact that I had at one point when I was in my marketing class in high school, and we started a lesson on advertising, and I had wondered that in my head throughout the lesson. That question sparked a fascination in my head and even followed me to college, where I decided to study both of the subjects. I love both topics very much, they have given me insight different aspects of the field that I would not know about if I had chosen to focus on just one, and its that experience that I believe gives me the credentials to attempt to explain not only the differences in the topics but also how they complement each other.

Published in Marketing

Marketers, by nature, are "people people'. Not saying that every single one is an extrovert who pitches ideas like a used car salesman, instead, they are continually working towards finding what the best way to convey value onto the desired market is. If marketers are to effectively construct a strategy, campaign, or any other type of related activity, they first need an understanding of who their audience is. There are many ways, especially in today's age of technological advancement, that people can get these insights without really knowing too much about the thought process of the brain itself. Sure, it is smart to make marketing decisions based upon quantifiable reasons, but they are also other substantial factors that can and in my opinion, should be taken into consideration during this process. Furthermore, along with those technological advances, there have been advances in the medical field as well that play a massive part in the decision making of marketing plans.

Published in Marketing
Thursday, 30 May 2019 17:07

How to Optimize Your Company’s Twitter

Twitter is one of the world's biggest platforms for social media; with its 330 million active users monthly. The best part about twitter is that you can reach an incredible number of followers, and you can also do it without spending a dime. I am sure that we all are aware of a tweet of some short that just blew up and completely changed that person's life forever. An example of the sheer power and wonder of Twitter is how a company has found itself in a multi-million-dollar deal with just one single tweet. This one tweet from Marketing Eye’s account was able to reach 1.7 million users on Twitter. While it is nice to go viral, it is even better if a business can benefit from it; which it did.

Published in Marketing

Last Saturday marked the first anniversary of the European Union's implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The primary purpose of the law was to ensure the safety of private information belonging to citizens of the European Union. Punishments have been given to some Businesses since the installation of the law, like the one for Google sizing up to a $57 million penalty. It seems like it has been pretty effective, and for the most, I believe it has. Aside from receiving a plethora of "we have updated our privacy policy" notification, measures have been taken to ensure the safety of privacy for the people of Europe. Companies that are in the EU and also those who deal with Citizens of those countries have been forced to obtain user consent before gathering data from cookies.

Published in Marketing

As a great way to connect with your audience, Instagram has over 1 billion active users monthly and more than 500 million of them use the platform daily.

Published in Marketing

Fewer than 25% of businesses say they are satisfied with their conversion rates. That is pretty depressing.

Published in Marketing

In this digital age that we live in, the ability to develop and establish a human connection between brand and consumer is extraordinary and something to be treasured. No longer can marketing teams rely on basic selling tactics to bring customers; those attempts do not work anymore. Consumers today are heavily drawn to things with extreme value, to build a relationship that goes deeper than the surface level can carry a relationship with your customer a long way. Brands are starting to put far more emphasis on developing brand loyalty and creating lifetime customers. One of the ways that they are going about this is experiential marketing.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 24 May 2019 12:11

The Rise of Influencers

Let's say you are remodeling your house, and you need a contractor. You have done your research on multiple search engines and found a few options, but don't know who to choose. Before you commit to anything, you call up friends, family, or turn to Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, or any other online platforms to help you find the best person for the job.

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