Marketing Eye

Tag: marketers

As the end of the financial year looms, marketers across various industries are shifting into high gear. This period is critical not only for closing out the year’s accounts but also for planning and strategizing for the year ahead.

Here are the 6 areas that marketers are focusing on during this crucial time.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

In the relentless pursuit of success, marketers often focus on strategies, analytics, and creative content. Yet, there's a crucial component that's frequently overlooked: the psychology of the marketer themselves. It's time to rummage into the controversial yet undeniable impact of your mental state on your marketing performance. Who's responsible for this, and how can you cultivate a mindset that propels you forward rather than holds you back? Buckle up; we're diving into the psychological underbelly of marketing. 

Published in Marketing

The concept of "leadership" extends beyond common perceptions, revealing a breadth and value that is often underestimated. Leading a team isn't just about managing tasks; it's about inspiring individuals to excel collectively. As a marketing leader, your role extends beyond strategy — it's about cultivating a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, and growth. Let's discover the art of inspiring teams with practical, no-nonsense leadership lessons that empower your marketers to embrace change, stay updated, and explore their full potential.

Published in Marketing

A/B testing serves as the foundation of effective marketing, enabling data-driven decision-making that can revolutionize campaign outcomes. With 81% of marketers utilizing A/B testing to enhance conversion rates, its importance for campaign success is undeniable. Our mission is to simplify the intricacies of A/B testing and provide you with practical insights to harness its power effectively.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Competency Levels of Marketers: How This Changes Your Marketing ROI

The competence of marketers plays a pivotal role in determining the success and return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts. As the marketing landscape evolves and becomes increasingly complex, understanding the competency levels of marketers becomes crucial for businesses aiming to maximize their ROI.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Tuesday, 01 February 2022 18:27

How marketers climb the corporate ladder fast

When I started out my career in the early 90’s, I wanted to be a marketing manager by the time I was 30 years old. That was my expectation and the goal I worked towards.

There are many ways a marketer climbs the corporate ladder fast, but for those whose family don’t own the business, are not as connected as they could be, or simply have not done a good job of showing worth, there is hope.

Published in Marketing

Many of us apply for positions on LinkedIn because it’s easy. The job pops up on our feed and simply after a few clicks, we’ve applied. 

We have probably read the first few paragraphs and decided that if anyone gets back to you, you might read a bit more or of course, ignore the email (or in-mail) and move on.

Published in Marketing

With more than 8,000 martech companies in America today, it’s become abundantly clear that the competitive advantage every business is looking for is being sought from the technology sector masterstrokes.

Published in Marketing
The past 18 months has been a blur for many of us, particularly if we have been working from home. Waking up each morning, brushing our teeth and hopping on a Zoom call usually takes us up until lunch. Then after a quick Netflix show and a few more Zoom meetings, it's time to try our skills in the kitchen. 
Published in Management

COVID has been excruciatingly painful for our business. As a creative marketing agency, use to collaborating in real time, remote working was a challenge. What would take a minute to change, all of a sudden took 10. Everything required a lot more communication and when you are dealing with a marketing consultancy with billable hours, that is a challenge.

Published in Marketing
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