Tag: logo
What a Strong Logo Needs
When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to consider. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company will turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.
The Value of a Good Logo
When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to take into consideration. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company is going to turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.
Why Your Business Needs a Good Logo
When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to take into consideration. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company is going to turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.
How Can Great Branding Increase Sales?
We hear the word ‘branding’ thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean for your business? In short, it stands for the unspoken. In the long form, the branding of your business is the first and last thing your customers will see before they make the decision to do business with you.
Here Is Why Your Brand Is Amazing
“My product and/or service is amazing!
It has so many capabilities and endless possibilities- it can do this and it can do that…
We need to do this and we need to do that right now!”
While the end product is in fact amazing, these entrepreneurs are so head deep into their product that it consumes them. It consumes them so much to which they have lost sight of their initial goal. Establishing their brand. Yes, it’s great that your product does so many things and will be able to do much more in the future, but ask yourself “Is my brand well known right now?” if you answered no then take a step back and focus on pushing out current content that tells your brand story. Once your product has traction then you can start releasing and pushing out new content.
Making Your Mark
What You Should Know When Creating A Brand Identity
Improving the quality and care of your garments has and will always their top priority. Not only have they been focused on expansion and having a wider reach within the community, but they have recently undergone a branding refresh. After 40 years of service it was time for a new look and feel. Yes, their is new branding and a new location, but the same great service still exists.
The only thing more powerful than a big idea is...
Many of us have big, huge, gigantic ideas - but how many of these ideas actually see light of day. Statistics show that not many do.
If you are anything like me, you live and breathe ideas and the very essence of your being is celebrating the fact that you are an "ideas person". But an idea is just that unless you do something about it.
The power of color to build your brand
Since entering the marketing industry, I now have an appreciation of how color influences brand identity.
How great designs improve your bottom line

Design is one of the most important facets of any marketing campaign. Although it isn’t something we think too much about when we are looking at an ad, logo or a brochure, the fact is if the design isn’t attractive we just won’t read the paraphernalia.
Earlier this year Business Insider ran a piece on The 15 Worst Corporate Logo Fails. Topping the list was the London 2012 logo, which some mistook for a Nazi logo and others for Lisa Simpson being a very naughty girl.