Marketing Eye

Tag: experience

Monday, 18 July 2016 10:12

Travel- It's Good For Marketing

In the quiet city of Udaipur, India, there is a small restaurant that is highly rated on Trip Advisor...but by appearance alone it is not much of a restaurant. The small “cafe” is a home for a family- including kids and grandparents. There is one dining table right next to the kitchen. Upon entering the cafe it is easy to see the second floor landing where one can find the grandfather watching cartoons with the children or washing his face before bed.
Published in Marketing
Monday, 07 July 2014 00:00

16 Lessons I Have Learned This Year

There have been many lessons I have learned this year; some the easy way and some the hard way.

The past six months have been exhausting. It has tested me in ways that I never imagined possible and at the same time, made me realize a few things about myself that will help shape the person I am moving forward.

I have learned:

Published in Marketing
Everyone at some time in their lives has felt that their world has curved in. Things become heavy, dark and almost impossible to keep afloat - but there is light at the end of the tunnel, if only we all can see it.

It's how we handle these experiences of difficulties that show our real character and ability to be resilient in the face of adversity now and in the future.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 21 February 2012 18:53

What is the better design?

As a marketer with 20 years experience, I am always trying to figure out the psychology behind why a client picks one logo over another, or one way of doing things over another.

Sometimes, they have insight that perhaps marketers do not. Mostly, they just like a particular colour, font style, identity mark or a way of doing things that may not quite be up with the times.