Tag: entrepreneur - Page 9
Sunday, 21 November 2010 19:03
We all have dreams
With only weeks until the Xmas break, I am frantically trying to get through my workload – like most small business owners.
Published in Small Business Marketing
Wednesday, 20 October 2010 01:55
Time Out X X X
The year end is near and I personally can’t wait. It has been one of the most exciting and exhilarating years ever from a business perspective and from a personal front, one of the most challenging.
In the business I have learnt a lot, launched new products, entered new markets and been inspired continually by the people I work with – in particular, the small businesses that I call ‘friends’ but may also be called clients to the outside world.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Monday, 31 May 2010 00:27
Styling your way to success
On Saturday, I was invited to speak to a group of image consultants and stylists about my journey as an entrepreneur and to also give a few tips on marketing.
Published in Small Business Marketing