Marketing Eye

Tag: creative marketing

In the relentless pursuit of success, marketers often focus on strategies, analytics, and creative content. Yet, there's a crucial component that's frequently overlooked: the psychology of the marketer themselves. It's time to rummage into the controversial yet undeniable impact of your mental state on your marketing performance. Who's responsible for this, and how can you cultivate a mindset that propels you forward rather than holds you back? Buckle up; we're diving into the psychological underbelly of marketing. 

Published in Marketing

The Top 10 PR Campaigns of the Past 10 Years

In the ever-evolving landscape of public relations, certain campaigns have managed to capture our attention, leaving a lasting impact on the collective consciousness. As we reflect on the past decade, it becomes evident that there are exceptional PR campaigns that have stood out amidst the noise and captivated audiences around the globe. These campaigns demonstrate the power of strategic communication, innovative thinking, and the ability to connect with the public on a profound level.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

The Top 10 Most Effective Advertising Campaigns of All Time

Advertising campaigns have the power to captivate audiences, inspire emotions, and leave a lasting impact on society. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, these campaigns have left an indelible mark on popular culture and transformed brands into household names. Through compelling storytelling, memorable slogans, and groundbreaking techniques, they have successfully connected with audiences on a deep level, transcending the realm of mere marketing to become cultural phenomena. This topic explores the top 10 most effective advertising campaigns of all time, showcasing the creativity, strategy, and resonance that set them apart.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Tuesday, 09 October 2018 12:51

Why Some Marketers Are Better Than Others

Have you ever wondered why you hire two people with the same skills, identical degrees, and similar project experience, but one appears to be significantly better than the other? 

Published in Marketing
Friday, 16 December 2016 09:48

Unlocking The Creative Mind

Have you ever felt like you are caught simply doing what is trendy or routine? Once success is trending in an area, everyone flocks to it. It might be time to separate from the pack and find your creative side, especially when it comes to marketing. Here are a couple ways to ignite the imaginative side of your brain:

Published in Marketing