Marketing Eye

Tag: collaboration

In the movie “The Fall Guy”, stars like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt have drawn audiences into a kaleidoscope of narratives that transported, inspired and entertained. I know first-hand staying up late at night binge-watching the movie on Netflix because I simply could not stop watching! However, what lies behind is what is truly remarkable – stuntmen, coordinators and crew – whose tireless efforts orchestrated the magic subtly from behind the curtains. This intricate dance of collaboration and support in movies like "The Fall Guy" mirrors essential principles in business, where leadership is about making the most of the collective strength of a team to achieve desired results. 

Let us discover how we, as business leaders, can take a leaf out of “The Fall Guy” movie and sharpen our leadership skills.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Wednesday, 02 August 2023 20:36

The Marketing Power of the Barbie Movie

The Barbie movie is the most successful movie so far of 2023. The film stars Australian actress Margot Robbie as Barbie and Canadian actor Ryan Gosling as Ken, and it is directed by Greta Gerwig.

Published in Marketing
As the demand for skilled marketing professionals continues to grow, companies are seeking dynamic and results-driven Marketing Managers to lead their demand generation campaigns. When a job advertisement highlights demand generation expertise as a key requirement, it is essential for prospective candidates to understand the expectations of the role. This blog delves into the core skills and knowledge a company may expect from a Marketing Manager in demand generation campaigns, and why it's perfectly acceptable to seek clarity during the hiring process.

Mastery of Demand Generation Strategies:

First and foremost, a company expects a Marketing Manager to demonstrate a strong understanding of demand generation strategies. This includes expertise in creating and executing multi-channel campaigns, lead nurturing, content marketing, and marketing automation. A solid grasp of inbound and outbound marketing techniques, coupled with a data-driven approach, is crucial to driving measurable results.

Proficiency in Marketing Analytics:

An essential aspect of demand generation is data analysis. A skilled Marketing Manager must be adept at analyzing campaign performance, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), and using marketing analytics tools. This proficiency enables them to identify trends, optimize campaigns, and make data-backed decisions to enhance overall marketing efforts.

Lead Generation and Conversion Skills:

A company hiring a Marketing Manager for demand generation campaigns expects a proven track record of lead generation and conversion. The ability to identify high-potential leads, nurture them through the sales funnel, and convert them into loyal customers is critical to achieving marketing objectives.

Budget Management:

Effective demand generation campaigns require careful budget allocation and management. As a Marketing Manager, one should be skilled at developing and adhering to budgets, maximizing ROI, and making strategic investments to optimize campaign performance.

Marketing Technology Savvy:

In the digital age, marketing technology plays a pivotal role in demand generation. A company hiring a Marketing Manager expects proficiency with marketing automation platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, email marketing software, and other relevant technologies. Adaptability to new marketing tools and trends is an added advantage.

Content Marketing Expertise:

Content is the backbone of successful demand generation campaigns. A proficient Marketing Manager must possess strong content marketing skills, including content creation, storytelling, SEO knowledge, and the ability to tailor content to various buyer personas.

Collaboration and Team Leadership:

While technical skills are essential, a company also looks for a Marketing Manager who can foster collaboration within the marketing team and other departments. Strong leadership skills to inspire and motivate the team to deliver results are highly valued.

Seeking Clarity During the Hiring Process:

When faced with a demand generation-focused job advertisement, it's perfectly acceptable for candidates to seek clarity on specific expectations. Here are some areas to seek more information during the hiring process:

  • Defined Campaign Objectives: Request clarity on the specific goals the company aims to achieve through demand generation campaigns. This will help align your strategies with their expectations.
  • Target Audience and Market: Ask for insights into the company's target audience and market, enabling you to tailor campaigns to suit their unique needs and preferences.
  • Key Performance Metrics: Seek clarity on the KPIs that will be used to measure campaign success. Understanding these metrics will help you focus on delivering tangible results.
  • Marketing Technology Stack: Inquire about the marketing technology stack currently in use, as well as the willingness to invest in new tools if necessary.
  • Collaboration and Reporting Structure: Understand the company's reporting structure and how marketing collaborates with other departments to achieve common objectives.
  • Marketing Managers Stepping Up

When a company seeks a Marketing Manager with expertise in demand generation campaigns, they anticipate a skilled professional who can drive results, strategize effectively, and leverage data-driven insights. As a candidate, it's crucial to align your skills with the company's expectations and seek clarity to ensure a successful and fulfilling collaboration. With the right knowledge and a clear understanding of the role's requirements, you'll be better equipped to make a positive impact on the company's marketing endeavors.
Published in Marketing

Hiring Marketers Post-COVID: In-House vs. Outsourcing

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a drastic shift in the way businesses operate, thrusting them into the realm of remote work. As this new paradigm becomes the norm, the world of marketing has not been spared from its effects. However, amidst the transition to remote work, companies are encountering a significant challenge when it comes to hiring marketers.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Competency Levels of Marketers: How This Changes Your Marketing ROI

The competence of marketers plays a pivotal role in determining the success and return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts. As the marketing landscape evolves and becomes increasingly complex, understanding the competency levels of marketers becomes crucial for businesses aiming to maximize their ROI.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Wednesday, 04 September 2019 12:17

How Marketers Can Impress CEO's

Interacting with your CEO can be stressful sometimes. Whether they are an easy person to talk to or not, it’s understandable to get a flustered around them now and then. Impressing them is a whole different thing entirely! Of course, you want to do well at your job, and a good relationship with your CEO is a vital part of that. But how do you go about impressing your CEO, someone who has likely seen every different approach to any given problem? Below, we have five steps to show your CEO that you have the initiative to perform and produce results.


Published in Marketing
When people ask what my management style is, I often find this a hard question to answer. I am almost never "there" and we have had in place until two years ago a CEO, so there was never a reason for me to be actively involved in day-to-day management or leadership. In the past two years, we have focused on a flat management style where no-one really has a boss but they have a "coach" or person to go to with a title of State Manager whenever they feel the need to for normal administrative purposes or if they feel they are looking for leadership.
Published in Management