Marketing Eye

Tag: atlanta - Page 13

It's no secret that Marketing Eye is on an aggressive growth path. During the past 2 years, there has been a surgence in companies realizing that they need an outsourced marketing department to take their businesses to the next level.

Our positioning in the market, and evidence of high quality work and client successes, has kept us in good stead.
Published in Management
This week, we did something we never do. We stopped. 

If you ever ask a former employee about what it is like to work for Marketing Eye, they always say that there is never a moment to spare. There is always something to do. 

The nature of our business is marketing. As such, we deliver marketing strategy and campaigns for the clients we work with. If we are not executing marketing strategies, we are increasing followers for clients on social media, researching their competitors, educating ourselves on the latest marketing techniques and in general spending time surfing the internet.
Published in Marketing
Being part of Atlanta Technology Village, I have had the privilege to see first hand companies that go from zero to 100 in 12 months, others that prod along, and some that unfortunately did not make the grade.

The buzz that surrounds the Atlanta Technology Village is the brainchild of serial entrepreneur, and visionary, David Cummings. He is a great guy with an even better philosophy. Due in part to the sale of Pardot and his big pay check, a marketing automation software he developed, he commands the respect of everyone. But it is his development of Atlanta Technology Village that really stands out to me.
Published in Marketing
It's Sunday and I have been madly working away since 6am. That I suppose is the life of an entrepreneur.

Of late, it's been crazy. My 'to do list' seems endless and there really isn't enough hours in the day. On top of that, I only recently realized that I am not utilizing my time effectively enough and need to make some changes - except I feel like I need to catch up before making changes. It is 'the chicken and the egg' scenario all over again.

People can look at Sundays in a number of ways; For me, I look at the day as the first day of the week, as in Australia it is a Monday. I am of course sitting in my hotel room in Atlanta.
Published in Mellissah Smith
By chance, I had an invitation to join Steven Jackson's box at Sunday's NFL Game with the Atlanta Falcons versus Chicago Bears. I had never seen an American football game, on television or live, and when the invitation came, I leapt on it like you wouldn't believe. It's an experience, and possibly a bucket list item that I should do while I have the chance and am staying in a city where everything seems accessible.

Through friends, I met Steven Jackson and the first thing that I learned about him was his ability to hold a conversation by asking the right questions. You would think that someone with his type of fame, the type that comes to very few people, would be so used to talking about themselves that they would be completely out of their comfort zone when roles are reversed. Wrong. This man not only has great range in conversation, he is incredibly well travelled and has had experiences that most of us just put on our bucket list, but never get around to doing.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Monday, 06 October 2014 00:00

Marketing Communications Manager

Open Date: 10/06/14

Location: Atlanta, GA. USA

Division: Marketing – Independent Agent

Category: Marketing

Job Description:

The Marketing Communications Manager will support the growth of the US business for a quickly growing marketing consultancy company.  This person will be responsible for managing the marketing needs of companies in the areas of technology, professional services, health and property. Initially we are looking for an Independent Contractor with the potential of permanent employment based on proven capabilities after 3 months.

Check out our website:


  • Managing the marketing needs of clients
  • Implementing Marketing Eye’s methodology in clients businesses and explaining it to new client acquisitions in the sales process
  • Developing marketing strategies
  • Implementing marketing campaigns, from development and concept creation through to execution
  • Reporting
  • General marketing consultancy
  • Maintain positive client relations with new and existing customers to discuss their needs and how to best utilize our solutions to achieve their intended outcome. 
  • Deliver presentations to multiple levels of decision makers during face-to-face meetings.
  • Perform other job duties as assigned. 
  • Previous experience in marketing leadership is a plus.
Published in Marketing
It was 8pm at night and as we boarded the plane at La Guardia Airport in New York, Maikayla (#24yrold), our 24 year old President of US Operations, started a conversation about the things we are not doing as a business to get clients.

Marketing Eye Atlanta has gone from startup to multi-million dollar company in over a year of operations. The company provides SMB's with an ability to have a qualified outsourced marketing department for an investment that any business that has opened their doors can afford.

The goal post has changed from the original business plan of 1,000 clients over 5 years. Our sales targets have been moved by 2 years and now the entire team is in a spin working out how they will achieve this goal in 3 years. 

It's an ambitious task, but one that is doable and if something is too easy, then it won't be as rewarding. Stretching ourselves and pushing limits, dreaming big and opening doors, is something that will keep everyone in the game.

Maikayla's thoughts:
Thursday, 06 March 2014 00:00

When you're outside the office clique

Landed in Atlanta, and within minutes and I am getting the run-down on what's going on in the office. Clients are happy, new brands are being launched, marketing campaigns executed, clients acquired in January have been on-boarded, moved to a new office within our building because of our continued fast growth and a new employee has started.

It's no secret that our Atlanta team is the highest performing marketing team I have ever worked with. As a team, they are game-changers. They see things that other's don't and communicate creatively and insightfully our clients brands in a way that resonates with their target market.

Winning is part of the culture. Each member doesn't know how to lose. They push each other to perform at a level that blows my mind and are forward thinkers. I never have to ask if something has been done - because it was finished yesterday.

Published in Culture

Late on Wednesday, Maikayla Desjardins (aka #24yrold), a marketing consultant at Marketing Eye Atlanta gave her weekly pep talk to the team. In her talk, she encouraged them to take Friday off and enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend, coming back to the office on Monday all fresh and ready to achieve our company goals for December.

Then, out of the blue, she said, "I want to kick-ass in December and to do this, I need all of your help. I need for you to take the next four days to think about just one thing that we can all do in December that will improve our sales performance and ensure that we achieve our goals."

Friday, 29 November 2013 16:44

It's time to move - again!

I can't help wondering what I did to deserve to be continually packing things up and moving but somewhere along the line in the past year or so, it has been something that has become almost second nature. So much so, that I don't think I had time to unpack everything.

Four hours of checking to see if I have everything, and packing up my most valuable possessions, I am finished. My dog is looking at me scared about what possibly could be next. Moving still isn't something she is use to and I realized early in the piece that it is what brings her the most fear. For that matter, it does the same to me, however my New Years Resolution this year was to put myself in "uncomfortable" situations and I have certainly lived up to that.

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