Marketing Eye

Tag: analytics - Page 2

Friday, 21 September 2018 14:32

Measuring the Success of Your Content

I am a lover of the written word. I was lucky enough to turn this passion of writing into a career in content development, and the best part about working in marketing is that you can measure the success of your writing, learn from your mistakes, and create better content in the future. I’ve learned more about writing from measuring analytical data on my content than I ever did in a classroom.

Published in Marketing
Who would have thought 10 years ago that Atlanta would be named amongst the top technology hubs in the world? Certainly not me, and for good reason. While Georgia Tech is renowned for producing the best technology developers in the US, they don't often stay here. They head to Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, New York or Rotterdam. Basically, they go where the money is and the innovation is just part of everyday life.
Published in Marketing

I remember finding this infographic, back in 2009, during my inter-web travels. It stated that if I were to print The Internet out on paper, it would take 57,000 years to read, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At a rate of 10 minutes of reading per night, I would require 8,219,088 years.
Published in Marketing
You’ve developed a marketing strategy and invested the money and effort to implement it, but how can you tell if the strategy has been successful in achieving your objectives?

Analytics will help.
Published in Marketing
So you’ve founded a startup. You’ve been putting in the 80 hour weeks, working every moment you’re awake, sleeping in the office sometimes. And it seems like it’s paying off! Numbers are going up, and you’re getting some media buzz. But then—everything stops. Traffic drops off, registrations are down. You’re still trying to secure that next round of funding, and a drop in numbers right now could be fatal. It’s now or never. 

Okay, you can breath now. That was just a thought exercise. But it’s an important topic, and one any founder or aspiring founder should have a plan for. Just how do you kickstart your startup’s growth to get you to that next round? We’ve assembled five tools to help you get your startup off life support and into major growth mode. Read on. 
Published in Marketing
Pinterest is going ahead leaps and bounds in the business space. Not only has it achieved to provide one of the easiest platforms to understand and their instructions for setting up a business on Pinterest are so easy - even I can do it - but they also have cleverly launched a free analytics tool that will allow you to track engagement. 
Published in Marketing
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