Marketing Eye

Tag: AI - Page 2

You may be aware that chatbot software can automate a sizable percentage of frequent support queries, but it is capable of much more. 

The advantages of chatbots are extensive, much like any new technology that upends a well-established sector. However, Chatbot benefits go far beyond simply adding a little automation because of their limitless capacity and availability.

Chatbots have grown in popularity recently among firms trying to enhance their marketing and customer service initiatives.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 08:01

Why having a start-up in your 40's is much easier

Don't be fooled. Having a start-up isn't for the faint hearted. In fact, it's not even for those who "get-through" everything in front of them. Start-ups are for people who are determined to be successful and are prepared to make sacrifices to get there.

Unless you are in your 40's.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Thursday, 28 February 2019 16:43

Is Machine Learning Changing Digital Marketing?

With the realization that the majority of their customers are online and no longer reading magazines, newspapers, and other dated publications, many companies have turned to digital marketing.

Published in Marketing
Who would have thought 10 years ago that Atlanta would be named amongst the top technology hubs in the world? Certainly not me, and for good reason. While Georgia Tech is renowned for producing the best technology developers in the US, they don't often stay here. They head to Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, New York or Rotterdam. Basically, they go where the money is and the innovation is just part of everyday life.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 12 July 2018 10:58

Are Robots Taking Over Marketing?

You may have read that robotic technology is making its way into the marketing industry, and it is. Within the next 2 years, Marketing as a profession will change so much that everyone will need to start from scratch. Unfortunately, the companies that are still selling the same old marketing skill set will be closing their doors.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 17:42

AI, Good Or Bad?

You have probably seen the recent banter between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk regarding the ongoing debate of Artificial Intelligence. Two of the greatest minds in the tech space going at each other over what should be or shouldn’t be, so what’s all the fuss about? Let’s take a look:
Published in Culture
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