- In The News
- Created: 27 June 2013
Published on www.inc.com on Jun 25, 2013 and written by Kevin Daum.
Male or female, support from a life partner can make or break the path to prosperity. Here are nine powerful ways to increase success for you as a couple.
Books and blog posts from thought leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Inc. columnist Carrie Kerpen have triggered many a party conversation about the roles of husbands and wives as contributors to family success. I recently found myself in a fascinating conversation with Australian entrepreneur Mellissah Smith about the role of significant others in supporting success. Mellissah wrote a couple of provocative, viral blog posts for both men and women on the subject, so my ambitious wife Van and I were comparing our own activities to see if we measured up to Melissah's standards.
Turns out, Van and I were pleased with each other's performance. My wife is innately supportive, while I had the lessons from the failure of my first marriage to help me appreciate the power of mutual support. Regardless of how traditional roles for men and women may have changed, one thing remains clear. If you selflessly support your significant other, odds are that he or she will be even more successful and contribute towards greater happiness in your family. Here are nine ways you can start today.