How many SMB's have effective green marketing policies that are implement not only across their entire supply chain but also through everything that they do? The answer is not enough.
Green marketing is not a buzzword, but a choice that SMB's make to change the negative impact that companies and people are having on the environment.
We all need to be strategic about our green marketing policies and determine how far they would like to filtrate a 'greener business ethos' in today's business environment.
While Marketing Eye is the first to 'turn off the lights', 'car pool or take public transport', recycle everything possible and of course use green products in all areas of marketing - it's impossible to champion this amongst our suppliers like we would like to.
But we try - very hard. That means, we ask the questions and choose suppliers with 'greener products' or who have the same 'green values' as we do where possible.
Reducing your businesses
carbon footprint needs to be a
strategic decision, made at the highest level in management and filtrated all the way through to every single employee in your business.
Organizations are under pressure from consumers, shareholders and government bodies to develop green marketing practices and if you care about the environment and the impact our generation and past generations have made on destroying the environment, it is imperative that you take action today.
Marketing Eye helps clients develop a greener approach to their design and marketing projects. We can help you reduce the impact that marketing and communications has on the environment and make you proud of your marketing in a way that you never thought possible.
Marketing Eye can provide powerful marketing strategies through green marketing for businesses using best-practice green and sustainable techniques. Make sure your next marketing campaign is 'green' and that your team, clients and suppliers are encouraged to think about the environment, in everything they do.
Choose green paper for printing, environmentally sound technology and make sure you recycle everything that can be recycled in your office. Say no to bottled water and anything plastic.
Our future generations will thank you.For more information on how you can implement a green marketing campaign, please
contact us today.