- In The News
Published: 07 June 2005
The Australian
Christina Kortesis has been appointed Victorian manager for Marketing Eye, a new firm. The Melbourne marketing manager got the job because of her expertise in technology and customer relationship management.
She was the Asia-Pacific manager for Interact Commerce.
Marketing Eye Atlanta offers expert marketing specialists to businesses that can't afford a full-time marketing manager, or need an extra eye cast over their business.
Its consultants work on marketing strategy and execution, and mentoring and coaching staff in marketing.
"The business landscape is changing for small to medium technology companies," Kortesis says.
"Larger companies are consolidating and smaller businesses are needing to be more competitive than ever."
"Marketing Eye Atlanta is about ensuring that technology companies have the competitive edge, no matter what their size, through having the people power and expertise in one of the most valuable areas of their business."
Kortesis has a wealth of marketing experience from the IT, telecommunication and retail sectors.
She has a bachelor's degree in business (marketing) from Monash University.
The Australian Tuesday 31st January 2006
Managing Marketing
Former Freehills solicitor Monique Lavers will manage specialist marketing at Marketing Eye, which targets technology, telecommunications and biotechnology sectors.
Lavers has a commerce degree with a major in marketing and a law degree from Sydney University. She will focus on the tech sector, ensuring that client companies meet their marketing objectives.
Marketing Eye was established in 2003 and has offices in Queensland, NSW and Victoria as well as agents in Dubai, London and New York. It provides marketing managers to organizations in a consulting structure for US$24,000 annually.