Marketing Eye

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the strategies and techniques used for SEO. With search algorithms constantly changing, it's important to stay ahead of the curve and adapt your content to meet the ever-changing demands of search engines and users.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Companies today must focus on creating a customer-centric marketing strategy. The customer should always be at the centre of everything a business does. To succeed in this endeavour, marketing managers must have a clear understanding of their customers' needs, wants, and preferences.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Social media has become an essential tool for businesses looking to establish their brand and drive sales. It is an excellent platform for connecting with customers and creating a loyal following. With millions of active users on social media every day, it provides a massive audience for businesses to tap into.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a critical tool for businesses of all sizes. CRM software helps companies to manage their interactions with customers, automate key business processes, and track important metrics such as customer satisfaction and engagement.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

In today's competitive business landscape, companies must prioritize building and maintaining strong relationships with their customers to achieve success. The process of managing these relationships is known as customer relationship management (CRM), and it has become an essential aspect of modern sales and marketing strategies. By utilizing CRM systems and software, businesses can streamline their customer interactions, improve their customer service, and ultimately boost their sales.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

As a small business owner, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is essential to the long-term success of your business. One strategy that can help achieve this goal is forming strategic alliances with other businesses. Strategic alliances are mutually beneficial partnerships between two or more businesses that work together to achieve common goals.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

A new study released by reveals the top 10 best universities across the U.S. for a marketing career. Using institution-level and course-level data from, the experts at, a B2B Database & Business Contact Data Provider, have indexed each University in the U.S. with marketing courses available.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

We've all encountered that colleague who seems to exaggerate their abilities and accomplishments in the workplace. They may make grandiose claims about their expertise or inflate their role in successful projects, making it difficult to understand when they're telling the truth and frustrating to work with.

While it's natural for people to want to present themselves in a positive light, constantly exaggerating and inflating one's achievements can be a sign of deeper issues. It could stem from a lack of confidence or fear of failure, leading the person to feel like they have to constantly prove themselves. Alternatively, it could be a sign of an over-inflated ego, where the person genuinely believes they are better than others and feel entitled to exaggerate their achievements.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

As businesses grow, the demand for high-quality customer support increases. Customer service is essential to maintaining positive customer relationships and remaining competitive in the market sector. Despite this, providing exceptional customer service is not easy. The process requires a significant amount of time, resources, and money. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their customer support operations are efficient, effective, and able to scale with the company's growth. It is here where automation comes in. Automating customer service will do wonders for your business.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog