Does Your Accounting Firm Have a Growth Mindset?
Businesses across industries are trained to tackle different problems daily. Employees inherit problem solving skills; however, they may approach issues in diverse methods. Similarly, accounting firms face a unique set of challenges that they must overcome head on to achieve their business goals.
A growth mindset is the idea that you view challenges as something to overcome. You view any obstacle as something to learn from, something that you can defeat with hard work. The idea behind a growth mindset is that by virtue of seeing challenges and failures as learning opportunities and chances to improve, you increase the likelihood of success by believing that you can overcome the obstacle. If you fail at something you may just give up and never try again, but if you see it as something that you can beat with enough work then you will want to try again until you succeed.
5 E-commerce Trends That Can Help You Grow
Many reasons contribute to the rapid growth in the E-Commerce space, with Covid-19 being the main one. According to Forbes, in 2021, e-commerce sales account for $870 billion in the US, a 14.2% increase over 2020 and a 50.5% increase over 2019, representing 13.2% of all retail sales in 2021. The changes in consumer behavior in the past few years are driven by the stay-at-home policy as well as the fears of the spreading pandemic, bringing customers from brick-and-mortar stores to online stores. The convenience of being able to shop anywhere and anytime, and get it delivered to your doorstep without having to go to the store has influenced customers’ purchasing behaviors. However, the e-commerce industry is always changing and businesses continuously aim to improve their customer experience to enhance their shopping journey.
Marketing Strategies For a Construction Company to Drive Sales
We are in a day and age where everything is digital, whether you have come to terms with it or not. We are amid an industrial revolution, where we are seeing industries like construction having to revamp its services and approach.
Tips to Improve Your Customer Relationships Management
Are you starting a business and want it to grow? You have to build a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage customer relationships. Building an effective CRM system is not an easy matter. In addition to finding customers, this system must also be able to keep customers loyal to a business.