Thursday, 31 August 2017 09:33
I'm feeling nostalgic about Atlanta
Waking up today, I have to say, I am feeling quite nostalgic about Atlanta and all it means to me over the past 5 years.
I came here with little or no expectations, just a desire to try something new. From there, and the people I met, something ticked. For many Atlanta appears from the outset to be quite sleepy, but once you cut through the leafy streets, and the urban sprawl, there is so much more depth.
I came here with little or no expectations, just a desire to try something new. From there, and the people I met, something ticked. For many Atlanta appears from the outset to be quite sleepy, but once you cut through the leafy streets, and the urban sprawl, there is so much more depth.
Published in Management
Wednesday, 30 August 2017 11:08
Increase Sales by 300% With LinkedIn
(2 min read)
I'll have to admit, I've been a big time skeptic. There’s a conversation going around that cold calling is dead, and I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it.
I mean, what happened to being “held to the flames”? My first sales job I was on the floor making cold calls and closing big contracts within a few weeks.
I'll have to admit, I've been a big time skeptic. There’s a conversation going around that cold calling is dead, and I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it.
I mean, what happened to being “held to the flames”? My first sales job I was on the floor making cold calls and closing big contracts within a few weeks.
Published in Social Media
Saturday, 26 August 2017 08:03
The sales hangover - do you have one?
What a huge week it's been in client acquisition. We are not sure whether summer is officially over and everyone is ready to capitalise on their businesses opportunities that lay in front of them for the rest of the year, or they simply know they need marketing, and are calling the first company that comes up on Google.
Published in Marketing
Friday, 25 August 2017 17:22
What Presentation Platform Should You Use?
Throughout the past few months there has been a strong amount of interest in finding creative new presentation platforms. Everyone wants to use a ground breaking presentation platform that will blow clients and team members away, however; there are some limitations with presentations. Want to know why so many platforms fall to boring old Powerpoint?
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 23 August 2017 17:12
The Great American Eclipse
It’s amazing what a scientific anomaly can do to our culture and our businesses. It was a pleasant surprise to pull up my social media profiles and not see endless Trump posts, for or against. Everyone around the U.S. dropped everything and acknowledged an event much larger than a personal opinion or celebrity story. So just how big of an effect did the eclipse have on the US?
Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 22 August 2017 15:43
Become A Master of Frame Control
Have you ever gone into a sales pitch and started using old techniques like the age-old SPIN selling tactic to close the deal? I can remember growing up and watching all those old movies from the 80s that featured "go getters" in suits screaming out to each other "Always Be Closing!".
Published in Entrepreneurship
Thursday, 17 August 2017 17:30
Talent Versus Hard Work
While some of us grew up with a discernable talent, such as painting or singing, others simply had to navigate towards a possible strength and exploit it as a career. And by others, I mean me. There’s a stark difference between the two, so which one are you hiring? Let’s take a further look:
Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 15 August 2017 11:45
Atlanta's New Rule for Small Business That No One is Talking About
Back in 2011, the Georgia Legislature started an initiative that would encourage the growth of small and medium businesses through crowdfunding investments. The new rule change, which is was officially in effect since last month, will allow for SMB’s to get around the previous restrictions of crowdfunding in the state.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Friday, 11 August 2017 17:28
How To Get The Most From Your Team
Ideally, it would be great to have a talented team in-house to take care of all of your needs. However, we have seen a trend to outsource certain capabilities. This isn’t because they can’t find the resources for it, it’s actually due to the quality of work. We see it with all of our clients, people are spread thin, working on too many what’s the fallout of this?
Published in Management
Thursday, 10 August 2017 13:21
14 Podcasts To Listen to Every Week
Can you believe that we are halfway through 2017 already? Being in sales, I understand August can be a slower month. But I’m a glass half full kind of guy. So I think this month should be used to catch up on some things you’ve been pushing off for the last half of the year. Living in Atlanta definitely has its perks. But, one thing everyone is familiar with is the traffic. So instead of watching the guy in front of me pick his nose all the way from Peachtree to Lenox, I’m going to be learning about history, business, and geeking out on the best podcasts that are out now.
Published in Culture
Monday, 07 August 2017 09:46
Does IT Matter for Most Marketing Departments?
Back in 2003, Nick Carr wrote an article for the Havard Business Review titled “IT Doesn’t Matter”. This obviously had a lot of headline readers furious. With a worldwide IT spend of $2.6 trillion dollars, it’s no wonder why Nick Carr was labeled a heretic and blasphemer. It seems we live in a day and age where assumptions about IT run rampant. Ever since a young Intel engineer named Ted Hoff, back in 1968, found a way to put the circuits necessary for computer processing onto a tiny piece of silicon, the business world has dubbed IT as the backbone of commerce. And there’s no doubt that this assertion rings true in many ways since it spurred a series of technological breakthroughs—desktop computers, local and wide area networks, enterprise software, and the Internet.
Published in Management
Thursday, 03 August 2017 15:53
Creating Marketing Strategies with a Tight Budget
Working out of the Atlanta Tech Village, I have ran into loads of companies that are operating off of a shoestring budget with limited capital to spend on marketing efforts. Sometimes, even the thought of using paid advertising makes a small business owner shutter. Mainly because owners aren’t necessarily marketers, and there’s a lot of uncertainty around the return on investment. However, there’s a number of ways that a small business can leverage digital marketing by spending very little and targeting exactly who their customers are.
Published in Small Business Marketing