Friday, 23 October 2009 22:02
Carbon Market Expo Gold Coast Event A Huge Success
Carbon Market Expo Austalasia 2009 has been lauded a huge success with the highest number of participants for any carbon market expo for 2009. The event has attracted almost 1000 delegates and all the key carbon market influencers in attendance.
Published in Management
Thursday, 15 October 2009 22:08
How profitable is your talent?
We all have talents, but some are harder to find than others.
Mine took many years to work out and eventually I was able to turn that talent into a money making enterprise. Luckily for me, my talent is aligned to my passion and everything is pretty much honky dory.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Sunday, 11 October 2009 22:11
Liberals need some serious marketing
I had the pleasure of attending the Malcolm Turnbull Dinner last night held at the Crown Casino in Melbourne to raise money for the Australian Liberal Party.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Thursday, 08 October 2009 22:14
Friday – and I am pissed off!
It’s Friday and everyone should be happy, but guess what? I am not!
Published in Mellissah Smith