Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Small Business Marketing - Page 21

No matter where you travel in the world, there is always a restaurant that someone recommends.

In Paris, it appears that Australian’s love to got L’Avenue in the 8th District. It is a very chic Parisan restaurant owned by the Coste Group. On Sunday, I was sitting outside, enjoying some beautiful French wine and I met one of the owners. His restaurants are world famous and they are on the ‘must visit’ list for most tourists.

Last night, after attending a networking group where this young woman puts together people from countries around the world to meet and find out more about each other, I realised that this restaurant isn’t just a tourist destination, but the locals love it too.
Is your website costing you money or making you money? Does it depict what your brand is trying to communicate? Are prospects spending time on your site? Is there more you could be doing to improve your website? Do you know what pages prospects are interested in and which ones they are not?
It’s a lonely existence out there for an entrepreneur, particularly one that owns a business all by themselves without a business partner to share their highs and lows. There is nothing like sharing information with someone who is there living and breathing the same things you are.

It’s a lonely existence out there for an entrepreneur, particularly one that owns a business all by themselves without a business partner to share their highs and lows. There is nothing like sharing information with someone who is there living and breathing the same things you are.

When I started my first business, I had a business partner and it worked quite well. She wasn’t very good at marketing because her background was in sales, so to make the partnership work she worked in administration and I taught her some basic marketing and public relations skills to help me out when I needed her to.


Today, one of my most treasured team leaders returned from his summer vacation to announce his engagement to a beautiful, young Doctor from his home village.

Over the past few years, he has travelled back home every year and his parents have organised meetings with prospective wives.

Only this year something was different. He met a young lady that he thought would be his perfect life partner.