When was the last time you chose a service provider that you had used before but weren’t too happy with their performance, to provide a service to you?
Read more about: Is it better the devil you know? → Expert Marketing Blog - Small Business Marketing - Page 20
They say everything comes in threes and for this week only, Marketing Eye tends to agree!
Read more about: 3-some anyone? → The elite athlete syndrome whereby if you are rich and successful enough – you can have anybody.
Read more about: Norman and Tiger on par → 
The IT industry is buying less hardware, says Andrew Thomas
It’s been a year of mixed fortunes for IT businesses.
Congratulations to Tiger Woods for getting out there and playing great golf.
Read more about: Tiger out of the woods → How many times do you try on a garment that says it fits all but is either too tight for you or way too loose?
Read more about: One Size Does Not Fit All → 
Just when small business thought they were getting back on track, the Reserve Bank issues another rate rise.
Read more about: Small Business gets another kick in the shins → It’s a page 13 3/4 page story in The Sunday Telegraph that’s caught my eye today whilst reading my beloved Sunday papers and it has reminded me the value of online networks, people who have significant brand names and the media.
Read more about: Shane Warne... A tweeting success → Whatever happened to boardgames?
Read more about: Be careful, be very careful → Many people fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to interviews. There is no preparation, no coaching, no pre-empting of questions and no understanding.
Like most companies, Marketing Eye has been slack and we have not practiced what we preach. It’s like mechanics who never fix their own car.
We encourage clients to engage in proactive marketing activities and yet, we rely solely on word of mouth referral, twitter, facebook, blogs and our website.
My first memory of the Easter Bunny was when I was about 3 or 4 and my older siblings broke into the cupboard to steal an egg that was in large loose pack.
Marketing Eye is offering small businesses the opportunity to refresh their online brands with a new website, designed by Mark Azzapardi and developed by Umair Cheema for just $1990 plus GST.
Read more about: INCREASE YOUR PERFORMANCE, OIL YOUR ENGINE AND GET STARTED NOW. → Marketing Eye is offering small businesses the opportunity to refresh their online brands with a new website, designed by Mark Azzapardi and developed by Umair Cheema for just $1990 plus GST.

The rev-heads were out soaking up the smell of burning rubber at the 2010 Qantas Grand Prix at Albert Park on the weekend.