10 Things a man should do to be more successful in business
Yesterday I wrote a blog about the 5 things women should do to be more successful in business. Thousands of people read it - even though it was on a Sunday. Thanks :) I am chuffed.
It got me thinking... what should men do. Now, I am no expert, so these tips are only a singular point of view, but something that perhaps should be considered. What do you think?
10 Things A Man Should Do To Be More Successful
It got me thinking... what should men do. Now, I am no expert, so these tips are only a singular point of view, but something that perhaps should be considered. What do you think?
10 Things A Man Should Do To Be More Successful
1. Never under-estimate the value of a woman. This is my theory; when a man has a woman in their lives (wife/partner), who looks after the home, makes their lives easier and is always there to listen to how their day was or the problems they may be having in the office or with key individuals - they are more productive. Not only are they able to talk through their day with their partner, but they are able to hear themselves communicate out loud what the issues may have been. Also, if they have had a great day, to be able to tell your wife or partner that you 'killed it' at a meeting or you signed a multi-million dollar deal without looking like a wanker - is priceless. The woman in your life probably has a point of view (if you are smart enough to choose someone with a brain) and even though it may differ from yours, it may give you another perspective.
2. Read and then read some more. There are literally thousands of great books out there. I was first inspired by reading Richard Branson books but the one that created the most change in the way I operated early on was poorly written but had great messaging in it and was written by Real Estate Tycoon John McGrath. What this book taught me was discipline, as he is one of the most disciplined entrepreneurs I have ever had the good fortune of meeting. I read that book over and over again hoping that I would become more routine and more disciplined in the way I spent the hours in my day. Good to Great is another great book and Steve Jobs story is inspiring. There are so many and my bookshelves are full of them, but taking time out to read about how others became successful or the theories they have on how to be more successful will help an aspiring man who would like to be successful in business. Another genre of books that is worthwhile to read is 'self-help' and in particular ones on emotional intelligence. Men Are From Mars, And Women Are From Venus is a worthwhile read to understand women better, but also one's on cold reading and body language. You will be amazed at the results!
3. Leave 'arrogance' at the door. We know that all men are trained to be 'men', and depending on who the teacher in your life was, this could mean a whole host of things. Arrogance can be sexy on the dance floor if you know what I mean, but in business, it does not add value. Being too in control and trying to intimidate your audience may be a deal breaker. It's too old school and there is no place for this in 2012 or beyond. Trust me.
4. Don't drink too much. Boys will be boys BUT falling prey to keeping up with your social life and still trying to be as successful as you can be will only end in one result. Poor health. Early heart attacks. Liver disease. Cancers. If you have burned the candle at both ends for some time, my first suggestion is that you book into www.irismedical.com.au and have a full health check and then make some life changes to prolong your life for the sake of your families and yourselves, and improve your ability to be more successful in the office. There is no point in making alot of money, if you won't be there to enjoy it. I know the FXPro Super Rugby season starts in a matter of weeks, but when the game is finished - go home, get a good nights sleep, go for a run the next morning and breath some fresh air.
5. Learn and keep learning. When things go wrong, don't dust it off like you have been taught to do your whole life. Look at it closely. Find out why it went wrong. See what lessons you can take out of the experience. Knock yourself out...by writing it down and looking back at it in 6 months time to see if you have in fact 'learned the lesson' that needed to be learnt.
6. Set some goals. They may be in your head. You know the type... to be rich, have a big boat, big house and loads of fun - but if you don't write them down, they are not real. Write them down, adjust them when you need to and keep focused on the end result. The same goes with business and personal.
7. Use your time wisely. I have a male friend who spends hours each day on facebook. He would never admit it but I have been privy to him 24 hours a day for extended periods of time and I saw how much time and how often he checked his facebook account. Facebook is a time waster. If you are looking through each and every photograph of people you know and some that you don't, there is something really wrong with your life. You are lonely and missing something really big. Don't waste your time on facebook, or sitting in front of the football, when in fact you could be reading a book that will change your career or business, or make you wiser in terms of understanding people better.
8. Have a 'to do list'. Many men don't seem to have these! Weird huh? A 'to do list' just makes you more productive. It allows you to think about what you have to do, prioritize it and then work through it. It will also allow you to ascertain what needs to be delegated and what does not.
9. Realise that it is 'not your way or the highway'. Another 'man trait' particularly if you are getting a bit older. As men get older, they tend to be more fixed in their ways. If someone doesn't agree with their point of view, they always think that they are 'wrong' or they say 'if you don't like it, then that's your problem'. In business, men as they get older often go back to the 80's way of doing business (aka Kerry Packer style) and if they say something needs to be done, there is no room for challenging. The best business people allow others around them to think and come up with solutions. They may have a point of view but have the ability to not only listen to what others have to say, but when required to compromise.
10. Appreciate the value of the woman you are with. Yes, I said it. I was at a friends place on the weekend and he is single and getting up in the age stakes. His place is the ultimate bachelor pad, but its missing the things that make a home a home. Like knowing what linen to buy or having flowers in the house. Stocking the cupboards with the essentials and knowing how to clean the cornices of the windows. Appreciation is not just being there or buying dinner, its actually taking the time to think about what they add to your life and letting them know you appreciate it. Buying them flowers, a watch, a new dress, a candle - whatever. Anything that tells them that you appreciate what they bring to your life. Relationships are partnerships. Differences in people should be appreciated. Together if it 'works' then appreciate why it works and what value that brings to your life and your business. If you have to worry less about what is going on behind the scene's and all it takes is to do something thoughtful every now and again, isn't that worth it? I have seen too many men lose their wives because they (the women) felt under-appreciated and then turn around (the men do this) and think that she is a 'bitch' for leaving them. It's not rocket science boys! Women just want simple things and in return you will get all the things you want; a home that is in order, an ear to listen to when you know that there is no-one else in the world that you could share the same stories with and SEX. Yes, I said it. If a woman feels appreciated, you will get more sex!
Now you may think that number 1 and number 10 are the same but they are not. Number 1 is understanding the value and number 10 is about appreciating it and showing that you appreciate it.
It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, so maybe its a good time to throw away your 'theory' that Valentine's Day is just another commercial day so retailers can make money, and surprise the person who has been there for you of late with something special.
Mellissah Smith, Atlanta.
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