Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Small Business Marketing

In an era where digital transformation dictates market dynamics, small businesses often find themselves at a crossroads.

The challenge?

Developing marketing strategies that not only compete with industry leaders but also resonate with an increasingly digital-savvy consumer base.

Enter the AI marketing strategy generator, a technological marvel leveling the playing field for small enterprises across the globe.


For small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) in the SAP Partner network, Market Development Funds (MDF) are a vital resource. These funds, provided by SAP, are designed to help partners grow their market presence, drive sales, and enhance their marketing efforts. However, with limited budgets and resources, it's crucial for SMBs to use these funds strategically to get the maximum return on investment. Let’s explore effective strategies for leveraging MDF funds, including a spotlight on Marketing Eye's Lead Generation Maximizer Campaign, a powerful approach to boosting your marketing outcomes. 


The Blue Ocean Strategy is a business theory and a book by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne that challenges companies to break out of the "red ocean" of fierce competition and create their own "blue ocean" of uncontested market space. Here's a breakdown of what this strategy entails and whether it's something your small business should consider.


Businesses across industries are trained to tackle different problems daily. Employees inherit problem solving skills; however, they may approach issues in diverse methods. Similarly, accounting firms face a unique set of challenges that they must overcome head on to achieve their business goals.

A growth mindset is the idea that you view challenges as something to overcome. You view any obstacle as something to learn from, something that you can defeat with hard work. The idea behind a growth mindset is that by virtue of seeing challenges and failures as learning opportunities and chances to improve, you increase the likelihood of success by believing that you can overcome the obstacle. If you fail at something you may just give up and never try again, but if you see it as something that you can beat with enough work then you will want to try again until you succeed.


Entrepreneurs are essential in identifying what is missing in our everyday lives and then determining ways in which to satisfy those unfulfilled needs. But there’s no point in providing amazing products or services if no one knows about it!


Make your business known 

Nowadays, with over 30 million small businesses in the country, standing out from the crowd isn’t as easy as just having a great product or providing an excellent service; you’ve got to have a strong marketing strategy. An effective marketing strategy is one that lets the public know about your business - enhancing your brand recognition and increasing the chances of brand recall when they decide who to purchase from. This means putting your small business on the map! 

As a small business trying to build your customer base, there’s nothing more important than getting the word out and promoting your brand. It’s crucial to recognize that these efforts extend to a commitment to excellent customer service, which will help raise and develop high-quality expectations from your business. 


When’s the last time you’ve searched on Google and clicked beyond the first 10 websites, or even the first results page? Keywords that are most relevant to a potential customer’s search will lead your business to their vision (or search results page) first.


For a long time, we’ve debated the value of running Google ad campaigns for small businesses. Marketers across the world of agencies have very differing opinions on the form of advertising. Is it only primed for enterprises with large budgets? Is it only valuable for ecommerce? Let’s take a look at these questions and many more surrounding AdWords.


We hear the word ‘branding’ thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean for your business? In short, it stands for the unspoken. In the long form, the branding of your business is the first and last thing your customers will see before they make the decision to do business with you.  


Every week I meet with owners, executives, and managing directors of small businesses from across the US. In these meetings lay the ultimate battle of value. Will I get enough ROI? Do they have enough on-hand talent to handle what they promise? Are they credible and transparent? Do we get along?

Working out of the Atlanta Tech Village, I have ran into loads of companies that are operating off of a shoestring budget with limited capital to spend on marketing efforts. Sometimes, even the thought of using paid advertising makes a small business owner shutter. Mainly because owners aren’t necessarily marketers, and there’s a lot of uncertainty around the return on investment. However, there’s a number of ways that a small business can leverage digital marketing by spending very little and targeting exactly who their customers are.

2 min read

Snapchat just released a new update that allows for users to open up what they are calling a “Snap Map”.

This new feature is going to be huge for local businesses for a host of different reasons. Number one being that users can now look up stories by location. This means that if your company is streaming stories, a potential client of yours that’s nearby can open up their snap map and tune in.

What are some reasons why you would shy away from looking into an outsourced marketing firm? Is it cost? Is it a bad experience previously? Or is it simply not trusting anyone outside the confines of your business?

Marketing is one slippery slope to take on. No matter how much time one can invest in understanding marketing, there will always be more to learn, especially with technology leading the way and evolving ever so relentlessly. With that being said, let’s take a look at some common problems that businesses come across when outsourcing marketing.