Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Mellissah Smith - Page 5

The year end is near and I personally can’t wait. It has been one of the most exciting and exhilarating years ever from a business perspective and from a personal front, one of the most challenging.

In the business I have learnt a lot, launched new products, entered new markets and been inspired continually by the people I work with – in particular, the small businesses that I call ‘friends’ but may also be called clients to the outside world.

Read more about: Time Out X X X
Small businesses around the world suffer from many different things, but one of the worst would have to be getting stuck in a rut of ‘just getting by’ or being ‘stagnant’.Working ‘in’ the business and not ‘on’ the business is a very normal trap that many small business owners fall into and then after years of working long hours they wonder why the business isn’t in the position that they thought it would be.When you are an entrepreneur, you tend to have ideas. In fact, it is what you lay awake at night thinking about and wonder why the next day you feel a little worse for wear.
Read more about: The Catastrophe of Being Stagnant