Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Mellissah Smith

The horrific collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge has such a devastating effect on the Maryland community. We work closely with a local Baltimore company and upon hearing the news, immediately felt the need to reach out and let the community of Baltimore know that everyone is thinking about them, and our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. We cannot imagine what it is like for the families and loved ones of the six people still missing after a cargo ship struck the bridge early Tuesday morning, and those who have already been rescued.

Read more about: Our Thoughts and Prayers To The People Of Baltimore

Why is every high in life followed by a low? And every low, well, followed by another low.

Is the universe only meant to test us or is our journey paved out in stone long before we actually embark on it?

These are questions that I have asked myself in the past few hours, and while I don't have an answer, I know that there is only one way to think.

Read more about: When your world is falling down, there is only one way to go
Today, Julian Assange was arrested after spending 7 years in relatively poor conditions after he sought diplomatic sanctuary and political asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy, England. The Townsville born founder of Wikileaks was forced to seek asylum after Sweden sought to arrest him for a sexual crime, that has since been dropped. Assange has always maintained he was innocent, and this has been reinforced by comments from the alleged victim some years on.
Read more about: Why Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's arrest is bad marketing
A first world problem for sure, but it is one I see regularly as an entrepreneur and one who travels widely around the world.

We all work hard. I don't have children, but I see a lot. I have opinions, just like most, but there is some substance in my opinions because I have been around for a long time.

Parents work hard to build their businesses and wealth. They do so because mostly, they didn't grow up with the wealth that they would have liked, or perhaps they just want to live a better life.

They accumulate wealth, and with that comes big houses, flash cars, holidays in the South of France and skiing in Aspen, and so on.
Read more about: It's our responsibility to not bring entitled human beings into the world
When you are looking forward to the next year like I am, you can't help but think what is it that is going to make the next 12 months of your life more extraordinary and memorable then the last.

With so many things going on in the world; political elections, earthquakes, terrorist attacks - it's quite easy to get caught up in what is going wrong with the world instead of what is going right.

For me, my glass nearly hitting the brim at the top, I am excited about the prospect of having a year that is full of surprises and wonderful, engaging conversations with people from all walks of life.
Read more about: 5 Things That Will Change My World in the Next Year
I am not stupid. At least I don't think I am.

I do try to listen to what others have to say and when someone gives me advice, I usually take it.

I have these two men in my life that are mentors. They are the two men throughout the world that I hold in the highest business esteem. Yes, the world. Not just Australia, but the world.

Their names are Jack Cowin and Peter Ivany. If you don't know who they are, Google them. It will be well worth your while. They are not your average 'smart cookies', they are briliant businessmen - beyond the brilliance of anyone else I have ever met (and I have met people worth hundreds of billions of dollars and spent quality time with them). I think these two guys are better. 
Read more about: A game-changing piece of advice
I've been away now for one week and am completely relaxed and recharged with a half decent tan courtesy of being in the mediterranean. Travelling has always been something that I have loved to do. I travel constantly for work and also for pleasure, usually mixing the two together. To travel is a luxury and a privilege. For the first time in a long while, I am seeing just how amazing my life has been because I have been able to travel and experience so many different cultures and environments, that broaden my perspective on life and how I view the world. 
Read more about: Everyone has a different perspective
Everyone has been there. You know, when you look in the mirror and wonder to yourself 'why you haven't achieved what you set out to achieve' and then give yourself an 'upper cut'. For those who don't know what that means, it's very Australian!

You control our own destiny and deep down, every person, even the one's that blame others for their 'lot in life', know that if you are not achieving something, then it's no-one's fault but your own.

They are harsh words. You may say that you wanted to be rich, but were never given the opportunity but we have heard lots of stories of people growing up dirt poor who become squillionaires or elite sportspeople - so that alone is no excuse.

We all want something. Many of use strive to achieve it and put the right actions in place to make it happen. When failure crosses our path, we get back up and dust ourselves off, then try again, perhaps in a different way. We don't let failure stop us. 
Read more about: How to immediately fix what is holding you back