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Investing in good branding is imperative to the success of any business in 2022. It offers customers the opportunity to identify your business with ease and adds value to their shopping experience. The reach of a strong brand is significant. It includes everything from customer service style, staff uniforms, business cards and the premise for which you will base your marketing materials and advertising. The benefits of focusing on building a strong branding strategy are expansive.

Below is a list of five of the many values that a good branding strategy will provide your business:

Read more about: The Value of Good Branding
The metaverse is taking the business and technology worlds by storm. If you have read the news lately, there is always something going on regarding this virtual world. While the metaverse is an exciting advancement in technology there are some challenges marketers are going to face.

Here are 5 challenges that marketers are going to face with metaverse marketing. 
Read more about: 5 Challenges That Marketers Face with Metaverse Marketing

The metaverse is a virtual-reality space where users can interact with on an immersive, digital environment populated by virtual avatars representing actual people. With the rise in metaverse consumption, companies should utilize their metaverse marketing strategies. The metaverse is going to be a powerful way for your company to market itself, and it is extremely critical to have a strategy for the metaverse, and here’s why. 

Read more about: CMO’s must have a strategy for the metaverse - here's why

When I started out my career in the early 90’s, I wanted to be a marketing manager by the time I was 30 years old. That was my expectation and the goal I worked towards.

There are many ways a marketer climbs the corporate ladder fast, but for those whose family don’t own the business, are not as connected as they could be, or simply have not done a good job of showing worth, there is hope.

Read more about: How marketers climb the corporate ladder fast

NFTs (non-tangible tokens) have started taking the world by storm. Although NFTs have been around since 2014, 2021 was the first year that this novel technology broke through into the mainstream, disrupting the art world and many industries beyond it. Over the past 12 months, the NFT scene has evolved rapidly and doesn’t look to be stopping.

The advent of NFTs opens intriguing new opportunities for brand marketers in the areas of digital products, digital media distribution, and access management. Here are some of the ways that NFTs will impact marketing, and how you can market your NFTs. 

Read more about: How NFT Will Impact Marketing

With the rise of social media, it is no shock that companies are reaching out to the top influencers on these platforms to help with their marketing. With over 1 billion monthly active users (and more than 500,000 of them active every day) it’s no surprise social media influencers use Instagram as their primary platform. 

Instagram influencer marketing is only predicted to grow. According to HypeAuditor’s latest report, the influencer sector is predicted to grow by $8.4 billion over the next three years and reach $22.2 billion by 2025. We broke down what exactly an Instagram influencer is and how it works. 

Read more about: Tips For Instagram Influencer Marketing!

The metaverse is described as a combination of multiple elements of technology, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and video where users “live” within a digital universe. Being described as a virtual online space characterized by interactivity and interconnectivity. Digital marketers must keep up with the newest technical advancements. Understanding what the metaverse is and its full potential is part of this. What marketers must grasp is that the metaverse is not a fad; it appears to be here to stay and, on its way, to becoming the next big thing. 

Read more about: How Marketers Market in the Metaverse

How we market to consumers has changed drastically over the years. With the changes in technology, we have seen an increase in the usage of digital marketing over traditional within a marketing campaign. Which leads to the question of which form of marketing has the best outcome for your business. We came up with some pros and cons of both digital and traditional marketing to decide which produces the greatest outcome for your company. 

Read more about: Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing, What Gives You the Best Outcome?

Many of us apply for positions on LinkedIn because it’s easy. The job pops up on our feed and simply after a few clicks, we’ve applied. 

We have probably read the first few paragraphs and decided that if anyone gets back to you, you might read a bit more or of course, ignore the email (or in-mail) and move on.

Read more about: Why you need to think twice before applying for a marketing position

Electronic direct mail (EDM) is a form of a digital marketing strategy that businesses implement to promote products/services to a list of customers who are opted-in via email. This is a great way to get your message across to a large audience effectively and efficiently. EDM marketing campaigns are a cost-effective way to create conversations and build brand loyalty. Your business wants to ensure that the EDM’s in which they are sending out is done in a way that gets people interested in your product. There were 319 billion emails sent in 2021, and the number is only projected to increase in the upcoming years. So, it is extremely critical that your business is making EDM’s a factor in their marketing campaign.

To see results, your EDM must stand out from the competing emails in which the user receives. You must ensure that it entices the recipient to open, read, and act upon the email. Here are some tips on how you can create an EDM that is both engaging and successful.

Read more about: How to Create an Engaging and Successful EDM

Boosting your SEO is a key factor when it comes to your business and its success. Ensuring that your website lands on the first page of a Google search is what your focus should be devised to. Typically, when people make a Google search, they are not interested in the links beyond the first page as they are perceived as less reliable and relatable. In fact, about 4.8% of users make it to page 2, and even less beyond that, meaning that roughly 90% remain on the first page only. This means your business must stand out among competitors and be on the first page to increase both your business’ website traffic and sales.

We put together 5 effective SEO ecommerce strategies that your business can implement to ensure you increase your SEO and the subsequent benefits of this.  

Read more about: 5 Effective SEO E-commerce Strategies
We've watched Emily In Paris, Younger and The Bold Type - all of which are good viewing particularly if you are in marketing. While they do not exactly tell you what a marketing role is like in today's current business environment, they certainly touch on how innovative and creative ways of doing things can turn something that is mundane into an incredible marketing success.
Read more about: What onboarding into a new marketing role looks like - Marketing Eye

The new concept of the “Metaverse” is almost impossible to wrap your head around. With various new technologies and platforms coming onto the market every day, keeping up with the newest ones is becoming progressively more difficult. Movies such as “Ready Player One” and “The Matrix” have already defined “the metaverse” for moviegoers and the endless interactive possibilities this new virtual territory could entail. These movies display to their audiences that anything that one can imagine, can be created in the metaverse.

Allowing us to establish extended experiences from our real lives. The parallel divide between real and metaverse life, once a futuristic dream, is coming to life right in front of our eyes. Yet the question is, are the marketing, communication, and design industries ready for such a drastic change in the way we consume media and technology? 

Read more about: How The Metaverse Will Redefine Graphic Design

October 28 was the day that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced to the world his plan to rebrand his company under a new name: Meta. This change signals the company’s intention to become a controlling powerhouse in the Metaverse. While you may not have known much about the Metaverse previously, now is the time to learn as its effect on marketing will have ripple effects throughout the entire industry. Given the ability of the Metaverse to combine the real and the online world, it will change the way that consumers behave. Consequentially, this will change the way that they both consume and respond to content marketing. Before we discuss the effects on marketing, let’s talk about what the Metaverse actually is.

Read more about: How the Metaverse will redefine content and content marketing

Firstly, what does the anatomy of the perfect marketing team look like in 2022? There should be a team leader, strategist, content creators, web designer, PR expert and social media marketer. Appoint individuals in your team to these positions to guarantee your team is organized, efficient and effective in achieving your marketing goals of 2022. Secondly, ensure all team members are well-versed in social media skills and specific trends coming into the new year. 

Read more about: How to build a marketing dream team for your brand in 2022