Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Marketing - Page 27

How do you create the ideal website? How valuable is it? These are questions that many business owners are searching for answers to, and the biggest gap in the road lies with the tactics behind your website. Whether you have a marketing department internally or rely on an agency for your coding and website design, it is crucial to have a website which is strategically built for your audience. So what does this look like? Well let’s take a look:
Here and there we find ourselves hitting a stroke of luck without any intention or guidance. No matter what area of business you are in, these random unforeseen victories are few and far in between. In order to sustainably build your firm’s standing in the market, you need to have a clear aim at the target. Let’s take a look at how we approach making growth attainable through strategic marketing:
Although most Millennials are great at social media, there are many factors to think about when developing a social media strategy. Whether you are a startup with no following and no brand recognition or a company which has been around for years, the process of using social media effectively stays constant. Here are keys to stay on your A-game in social media:
You have probably heard rumors of this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service which is crucial to the success of every business with a website. Do you know what SEO is? If not, don’t fret. There are many people, even marketers, who are still trying to wrap their heads around the science of it. As ambiguous and challenging SEO is, there is reason and a process to the madness.
Marketing is a challenging department for any business. Unless you are the sole provider of a product, good marketing is what will set you apart from the competition. It is what let’s your customers and prospects know what the latest and greatest is at your company. Traditional marketing was slightly above the accuracy of searching for Gold. However, now we are able to move past this technological gap and enter the race for complete transparency across your marketing agenda.
If you thought old-fashion direct marketing campaigns are dead - you are wrong, and probably of the opinion that your idea of design and creativity is awesome.

I speak to hundreds of entrepreneurs each month and many have the same opinion. Direct marketing is dead. I beg to differ. In fact, I know that this statement is not only incorrect, it is only spoken by people who either have no idea, or don't have a creative bone in their body, although quite often their mind fools them into believing they do.
As Marketers we are always trying to think outside the box, coming up with new ways to showcase our products or reach new audiences. However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Throughout each part of the marketing mix evolves a balance of structure and chaos. Walking this fine line takes a special mind, and we’re going to look at why this is.
Even though advertising isn’t as ambiguous as it once was back in the day, it takes a savvy marketer to get real traction. One has to understand the value in being meticulous when it comes to planning, launching, and maintaining campaigns in the digital world. Unlike a Billboard that is posted and not changed until it’s time is up, digital ads require a different level of attentiveness to be effective.
In every industry there are general best practices as it comes to how to perform certain tasks. However, due to technological advances, innovation has evolved into a much more powerful and fast moving obstacle. Every industry is being challenged both annually, quarterly, and even monthly to keep up with the times, maintaining competitive standards with the competition. So what does this mean for not just marketers, but everyone?
Driving massive brand awareness can be a powerful tactic in marketing, but true value is derived in the quality of who you are targeting. Marketing isn’t just a form of spreading awareness and news regarding products and services, but rather a science. Understanding how to build your marketing around a relevant and engaged audience is what will drive business success.
We’ve all been there, when you buy something at a cheaper price and later find out that you made a very bad choice. Whether you are buying a product or a service, quality comes at a price. The perfect storm of ‘cheap and efficient’ hardly ever coincide, and the same theory applies for marketing. Invest in a marketing team that cares about you, not your contract.
Have you ever worked with a marketing firm and felt as though you were kept in the dark? This is probably occurring because they do not want you to know what they are doing or how well their efforts are performing. We’re going to look at a few ways to establish a open, honest, and transparent relationship between you and your clients.
The problem we often see today is the lack of knowledge businesses have when it comes to knowing their target audience. When asked, 50% of businesses feel that they don’t know their target audience. This is a crippling statistic for the fact that one of the most important aspects of having a successful business is knowing, understanding and engaging your target audience. When businesses understand their target audience they save time and money. This is because they are focusing their marketing efforts on someone who is most likely going to buy their product, therefore they are getting the most value out of their budget.
The world of public relations can be summed up in three words: chaotic, wild, and tedious. Don’t get me wrong, public relations is an exciting facet to the marketing mix, but it isn’t for everyone. After personally delving into the world of PR and having several press releases published, let’s take a look at a few key takeaways from my recent experiences.
It's about time you blogged!

We recommend for all of our clients to have a blog page on their website, as well as to write blogs regularly, and post them on their social media accounts. We have been asked many times by clients why this is beneficial, and why they should take the time to do this.
Read on to find out why!