Marketing Eye

Blog Author Mellissah Smith - Page 24

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith is a marketing expert, author, writer, public speaker and technology innovator. Having worked with more than 300 companies across technology, medical device, professional services, manufacturing, logistics, finance and health industries, Mellissah has a well-established reputation as an experienced marketing professional with more than 20 years experience. As the founder and managing director of Marketing Eye, she has taken the company from startup to a multi-million dollar enterprise with offices in Australia and the US. Mellissah is also the Editor in Chief of Marketing Eye Magazine, a quarterly magazine that cover marketing, entrepreneurship, travel, health and wellbeing. #mellissah #marketingeye
Wednesday, 11 March 2020 15:38

ROM Control - Building Services

Rom Control specialize in repairing and refurbishing industrial, electronic, and process control equipment. We worked with the team to develop content and create more brand awareness.  

As the outsourced marketing team, Marketing Eye invoked a rebranding strategy that would prove to be integral to increase their branding awareness. The strategy included a redesign of their website and creation of promotional marketing print assets. These assets showcased the work Rom Com has achieved whilst also being informative promotional marketing collateral for the company.

Monday, 09 December 2019 07:51

What does a marketing consulting firm do?

It's a question that many people wonder about but are too afraid to ask in person unless they are at a business networking event where there is more freedom to deep dive into the person's background that you are talking to. 
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 08:01

Why having a start-up in your 40's is much easier

Don't be fooled. Having a start-up isn't for the faint hearted. In fact, it's not even for those who "get-through" everything in front of them. Start-ups are for people who are determined to be successful and are prepared to make sacrifices to get there.

Unless you are in your 40's.
Friday, 22 November 2019 08:04

How to spot a sociopath in the workplace

We've all encountered a sociopath whether we have realized it or not. Most of us have had the unfortunately task of realizing long after the storm has cleared that we've been played by a sociopath and we are left to clean up the mess.

When trying to identify whether or not someone is a sociopath, it's harder than you think. We are all human and we all make mistakes - that's a fact. We all display different traits at different times, that has even the most observant of us all wondering whether we too could be inflicted by different mental health issues that taint who we are.

But the reality is much simplier than that. A good sales person spends their lives manipulating people to buy from them. Their ability to manipulate is second to none, so are they are sociopath? The answer isn't so simple.

Being a sociopath is a mental condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating people, exploiting them and/or violating the rights of others.
Tuesday, 08 October 2019 09:02

Why trusting your gut will save you millions

A year ago, I was about to make one of the biggest decisions of my life; to take on an investor in my start-up Robotic Marketer.

It's a remarkable feat to be successful by anyone's definition, especially your own. I always find that the hardest markers are ourselves. We tend to be most critical of what we do, how we do it and what outcomes derive from the fruits of our labor. 

Influencer marketing is when brands partner with key influencers to increase their brand awareness in specific target audiences by utilizing their platform of influence such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok or their blog.
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