Pippa “Little Bubbas” Smith has served as Marketing Eye’s CBO since the company’s inception over nine years ago. Her expertise in napping, comforting cuddles and joyous barking have propelled the success of Marketing Eye and its clients. With help of her best friends, the humans in the office, Pippa has become a model “office doggy,” providing a warm welcome to every visitor to Marketing Eye offices around the world.
Pippa Smith has fluffy white hair, which some may say includes “dirty spots,” and has a love of lollies and beef jerky. Rain or shine, Pippa will be around to brighten your day and put a smile on your face.
Little Bubbas as she prefers to be called, has amazing intuition and if she likes you, that means you are typically a good person, who we must do business with. If she doesn't... well, as CBO, she has a decision on her paws.
#pippasmith or if you would prefer, join her 5,500 followers on Instagram @thereal_pippasmith
For more information on Pippa Smith and what she can do for your business; please Contact Us.