Marketing Eye

Tag: sociopath

Friday, 22 November 2019 08:04

How to spot a sociopath in the workplace

We've all encountered a sociopath whether we have realized it or not. Most of us have had the unfortunately task of realizing long after the storm has cleared that we've been played by a sociopath and we are left to clean up the mess.

When trying to identify whether or not someone is a sociopath, it's harder than you think. We are all human and we all make mistakes - that's a fact. We all display different traits at different times, that has even the most observant of us all wondering whether we too could be inflicted by different mental health issues that taint who we are.

But the reality is much simplier than that. A good sales person spends their lives manipulating people to buy from them. Their ability to manipulate is second to none, so are they are sociopath? The answer isn't so simple.

Being a sociopath is a mental condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating people, exploiting them and/or violating the rights of others.
Published in Management