Marketing Eye

Tag: ROI

As we approach the midway point of the year, marketing managers face a crucial juncture in their pursuit of achieving annual targets and maximizing performance.

The questions many marketing managers rarely differ. Key considerations that every marketing manager should bear in mind to effectively adjust their marketing strategies, optimize performance, and ensure a successful second half of the year relate to many variables, but a marketing audit is critical at this point of time each year. By examining performance metrics, adjusting the sails, and leveraging data-driven insights, marketing managers can steer their teams towards achieving remarkable results.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a critical tool for businesses of all sizes. CRM software helps companies to manage their interactions with customers, automate key business processes, and track important metrics such as customer satisfaction and engagement.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

As a small business owner, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is essential to the long-term success of your business. One strategy that can help achieve this goal is forming strategic alliances with other businesses. Strategic alliances are mutually beneficial partnerships between two or more businesses that work together to achieve common goals.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog

Guerrilla marketing is a unique and innovative approach to marketing that is gaining popularity in today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment. With traditional marketing methods becoming less effective and more costly, businesses are turning to Guerrilla marketing as a cost-effective and flexible alternative to reach their target audience.

Published in Expert Marketing Blog
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:09

How to Prove Your Marketing ROI

Businesses are always looking for new ways to drive revenue while cutting down on margins at the same time. The return on investment in marketing needs to be considered from the beginning as a way to gauge your goals and track your progress. Not only do marketers need to consider what exactly the return on investment is, but which program received the best return. If you measure your ROI correctly, it can garner more trust, a bigger budget, and enable your marketing tactics to increase your business impact.


Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 27 May 2020 17:39

The Importance of Marketing ROI

Businesses are always looking for new ways to drive revenue while cutting down on margins at the same time. The return on investment in marketing needs to be considered from the beginning, as a way to gauge your goals and track your progress. Not only do marketers need to consider what exactly the return was, but which program received the best return. If you measure your ROI correctly, it can garner more trust, a bigger budget, and enable your marketing tactics to increase your business impact.

Published in Marketing
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 09:51

Basics of Business Blogging

Attracting legitimate customers will take time and effort. We’re talking about the type of customers who genuinely want to incorporate your brand into their lives, and quite possibly, stay for the long haul. Fortunately, a great time and place to begin is today in the exact spot where you’re sitting.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 02 August 2019 09:06

Tell Your InstaStory Like This

Among those who have already hopped onto the Instagram train, many have seen dramatically

Published in Social Media

Today on the worldwide web where companies are all blasting promotions and announcements, it’s inconceivable to expect a Google search on “how-to” marketing to garner any attention,

Published in Marketing
Saturday, 02 September 2017 19:26

Why every marketing team needs a data scientist

Speaking to a Professor at one of America's largest Universities the other day in Atlanta, was an eye-sight into how slow many universities are moving in creating educational programs for marketers to have jobs in the future.

This particular University, isn't sitting by the side-line. In fact, they are leading the way and have added Data Science to the program, and are ensuring that each and every person who does a marketing degree has an opportunity to learn about data science and all that it encompasses.
Published in Marketing
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