Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing strategy technology

In an era where digital transformation dictates market dynamics, small businesses often find themselves at a crossroads.

The challenge?

Developing marketing strategies that not only compete with industry leaders but also resonate with an increasingly digital-savvy consumer base.

Enter the AI marketing strategy generator, a technological marvel leveling the playing field for small enterprises across the globe.

The micro-blogging platform, Twitter, bombards users daily with the odd 500 million tweets and provides live updates and information that ranges from the daily habits of someone’s pet cat to information on political speeches and issues, and just about everything in between.

Published in Social Media
Tuesday, 01 February 2022 18:27

How marketers climb the corporate ladder fast

When I started out my career in the early 90’s, I wanted to be a marketing manager by the time I was 30 years old. That was my expectation and the goal I worked towards.

There are many ways a marketer climbs the corporate ladder fast, but for those whose family don’t own the business, are not as connected as they could be, or simply have not done a good job of showing worth, there is hope.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 08:01

Why having a start-up in your 40's is much easier

Don't be fooled. Having a start-up isn't for the faint hearted. In fact, it's not even for those who "get-through" everything in front of them. Start-ups are for people who are determined to be successful and are prepared to make sacrifices to get there.

Unless you are in your 40's.
Published in Entrepreneurship