Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing consultancy firm

Wednesday, 10 April 2013 15:35

It's time to settle down

I don't know about you, but I am exhausted. It's only April and already my migraine has set in and isn't about to subside - unless of course, I make some hard decisions.

Business expansion has been exhilarating, hard work, fulfilling, adventurous, rewarding and above all, something that I am proud to say that I have made the steps to do. There is still a long way to go and the road looks very long, windy with ups and downs going far into the distance. Hopefully, I will pick up some hitchhikers along the way to keep me company and that the car will be full of people all wanting to head in the same direction. No doubt, there will be people who will want to get out along the way and those who will feel car sick but then, miraculously, they will get over it and start enjoying the scenery and the ride.

Never for a moment have I been mistaken that this is not going to test me and every single person in my team. It singularly has been the bravest thing I have ever done and although I am a person who sticks to a plan, I never imagined for a minute that I would be living in Atlanta, in a hotel room, desperately wishing that I was home in my comfy bed with my Maltese Schnauzer, Pip, perched beside me. Nor would I imagine that I would leave her for long periods of time in the care of another.

Starbucks isn't my favourite coffee blend

It's funny, this morning I wished I had a jar of vegemite beside me and coffee that didn't come in a Starbucks cup. Vegemite reminds me of home and I have deliberately not brought it with me for the journey so that I open a new chapter without being so glued to the past that I can't get out of my normal routine. It's the lack of comforts that somehow gets me through.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:42

Google Plus or is that Minus?

Where is everyone?

It appears that I may have been a bit off the mark in a previous article. I claimed that Google Plus’ entry into online social media would spell the sudden demise of Facebook. At this point in time that appears to be false. It has become apparent that social media supremacy will come after a long struggle rather than the quick and clean coup reminiscent of the Facebook takeover of MySpace that I predicted.

iStock_000007195500XSmall-300x299It’s Thursday and there is still quite a few to go. Why not try these tips?
Published in Management
Thursday, 22 April 2010 00:19

Cedar Jet Travel Goes Online

Cedar-Jet_index-final-300x272My favourite travel company, Cedar Jet Travel has just launched its new website to help customers book their travel online. 

I still love giving Alen a call at Cedar Jet Travel because he really is incredibly helpful and friendly – and always knows the best deals.
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 02 December 2010 19:43

The role of marketing has changed

As a marketing professional, taking an active interest in the marketing industry and the changes that occur, has been a career-long goal.
Published in Marketing