Marketing Eye

Tag: marketing agency - Page 5

Tuesday, 31 July 2018 11:29

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Today is one of those days. I woke up every hour from midnight, ready to get up and pack my bags for yet another trip. 
Published in Entrepreneurship
Monday, 30 July 2018 11:25

The Eagerness of Young Employees

I have spent my weekend looking at the big picture - Where is my business going? How are my team and I going to get it there? What is going to make the company more unique? How do we retain our talented team? What incentives do we need to have in place? All the normal questions really.
Published in Culture
As a business owner, marketing may not be your first priority, but it should be. Today, having a marketing plan for your business is as critical as having a phone number.
Published in Marketing
As a business owner, there is no question about it, your business is your pride and joy. You’re familiar with the feeling of “wearing all the hats.” You’ve juggled the finances, dabbled with marketing, generated all the sales and you’ve structured the business development process. The truth is, nobody knows your business quite like you. 
Published in Marketing
If you are a small business owner, you would have had many occasions where you were ready to tear your hair out. There is so much to think about; finances, staff, customers, your product/service and of course marketing – bringing in the business!
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