Marketing Eye

Tag: Artificial Intelligence - Page 2

Wednesday, 26 July 2017 17:42

AI, Good Or Bad?

You have probably seen the recent banter between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk regarding the ongoing debate of Artificial Intelligence. Two of the greatest minds in the tech space going at each other over what should be or shouldn’t be, so what’s all the fuss about? Let’s take a look:
Published in Culture
You've read it many times before "Robots will never replace humans". Incorrect. They will. They are. And you're job is on the line especially if you are in marketing, and work at Marketing Eye.

Clients are continually concerned with the length of time it takes a human marketer to do the work that they do. Mostly, they are being short-sighted, but equally so, they are right. Marketing Automation took over a few years back for a reason. It took away the time it would normally take a human being to nurture a lead all the way to a sale. All a human needed to do was write the content, but even that is not so necessary today - however, proof-reading is.
Published in Marketing
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