Marketing Eye

Tag: agency

Welcome to Marketing Eye Atlanta - we're a full-service marketing agency, and we're looking for a dynamic Marketing Executive/Manager to join our team. While there are many choices for marketers these days, we offer something that is truly unique: Robotic Marketer.

Marketing Eye is a fast paced international marketing agency that works with a number of clients across multiple industry sectors. We are early adopters and developers of technology and strive to ensure that all clients are supported by a passionate team driving better marketing outcomes.

Published in Marketing

Source: Marketing Land
“At this point, what isn’t digital?” said Jennifer Fey, the senior vice president of digital media for Firewood when asked how her global digital marketing agency works with clients undergoing digital transformation. “It’s easy to be glib about this, but really, everything we touch that may seem like an ‘old school program’ or be structured as ‘offline’ still has a digital component.”

Published in Marketing
Friday, 15 January 2021 11:43

Here's What Your Marketing Agency Needs

Outsourcing your marketing department might be the best decision that you can make for your business. Not only does it dramatically reduce your expenses, but it frees up your time to focus on the day-to-day details of your business. But how do you find a marketing agency that’s the right fit for your company? Before you decide on your marketing agency, take the time to do some work on the front-end of things. When you’re looking for the perfect fit, it’s important to know exactly what you want to accomplish, what services the agency offers, and their track record with other companies.

Published in Marketing
After watching a session on Gen-Z at #AdobeSummit I am wondering whether or not #old people like myself will ever be able to manage this generation? Just when we thought that we all had adapted to Millennials, in comes another generation that is faster paced, more dynamic, technology savvy and above all, inspired to realize their dreams.
Published in Marketing
Friday, 22 April 2016 10:32

Flannel Friday

Before it gets too hot outside I have to share a tradition we have at Marketing Eye Atlanta- FLANNEL FRIDAY!!

All work and no play makes life barely bearable. In this office we truly live the expression “work hard, play hard.” When you have this many creative people in one room self expression is inevitable.  
Published in Culture
Monday, 25 January 2016 13:44

The Modern Day Marketing Manager

Great Marketing Managers are a dime a dozen. 

A Marketing Manager can be as capable at 24 years old as they are at 40. It's just working out where your business is heading and whether or not your current marketing team can actually take you there or not.

When hiring a Marketing Mananger you should ask these questions:
Published in Marketing
The next 12-months is going to be incredibly different for people who work at Marketing Eye. After years of working hard at establishing a product and service that is unsurpassed by industry standards, driven by technology, systems and processes, we are now working tirelessly on how to build the right culture going forward.

There have been many hit and misses and lots of unnecessary frustration, but finally I think as a team we have hit the nail on the head and I am about to test it to the enth degree.

Flat Organizational Structure

Weaning employees off hierarchy-driven decision making has been a test of both patience and perseverance. Gen-Y's have been told that they need leadership in order to be successful, yet some of the most successful companies in the world, like Google, are saying quite the opposite. Their investment in a flat organizational structure has not only shown dividends on the balance sheet, but it has created a workplace and culture that the world-over admires and respects.
Published in Management
Saturday, 21 May 2011 22:45

What Women Want

What do women want? If you knew exactly what women want, then you would be the richest person on the planet because I don't think I know a woman that knows what she wants and unfortunately, I too am in that boat.
Wednesday, 04 August 2010 20:12

The questions you really want answered

It’s not enough to have a great idea for a business. You also have to make sure the world hears about it.