Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Page 55

What makes a marketing department successful is the quality of the marketing manager. A great marketing manager can be the difference between growth and stagnation.

We’ve seen a few marketing managers here at Marketing Eye. The thing about them is that they never stay too long in one place. It’s a transient industry, so they come and go. That’s just the reality of an agency environment. However, you do what you can to hold on to the best ones, because a great marketing manager knows their marketing stuff.
Positive psychology, like all good science, has evolved, becoming richer and more applicable as research uncovers what works to cultivate happiness. Our ancestors rubbed two sticks together to make fire, learning through experimentation, replication, and results how to reliably and consistently create warmth when needed. At first they guessed at how to make fire, just like some of us today guess how to make ourselves happy (which, ironically enough, sometimes makes us feel unhappy).  We have the science now to orient ourselves to happiness, and through the science of positive psychology we can use it to flourish, building a fire of positive emotions that support and nourish our wellbeing.

The question, however that claws at most of us from time to time is how to maximise positive psychology?
I have read some great books recently, mostly about how to build a happy and sustainable culture within the workplace and build a business globally.

At the moment Marketing Eye is employing new people in key positions within our company. Each position is new as Marketing Eye is growing exponentially and we need to hire people to accomodate that growth.
Creating a blog in itself can be difficult, but creating a strong social media following for your blog can be even more challenging. Here are some tips.

What comes first the blog or the social media following? This is dependent on the individual. For example, some individuals already have a strong online presence through their social media accounts. They might already have a large following on their Instagram posting about lifestyle, and want to take it that next step further. They then create a blog geared towards lifestyle, so they are able to write more in depth posts.
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." - Michaelangelo

Goals. Not the kind kicked by America's best field goal exponent. More the type set by entrepreneurs, businesses, fitness fanatics and anyone who wants to get the most from life. I’ve edited a lot of pieces about goal setting in the last two months. It’s that time of year. Of those, however, who are taking advice about setting their goals, many fail to stick them.
There’s not a lot to not love about New York City.

I have been here many times and each and every time, I fall in love all over again.

New York has been kind to me. The weather, reasonably mild for this time of year, has been easy to accommodate with a few layers of clothing. The restaurants new and old have been phenomenal and the people have made me smile. What more can a girl ask at this time of year?

My good friend Sami Lukis has a tour group, made up of women looking for an adventure. I decided to tag along to a few dinners while at other times catching up with my many friends who now call New York home.

New Year’s is a time for reflection.

We all have our own ‘shit’ and usually at this time of year, we decide whether we will call it a day, or keep persevering through. Most of us are acutely aware that most New Years Resolutions don’t work out and are forgotten almost as fast as we promised ourselves that we would keep them.

Entrepreneurs, managing directors, CEO's, Presidents, CMO's, marketing managers and digital marketing directors are all thinking about how their 2015 marketing strategies are going to be executed - after all it's that time of year.

While most B2B organizations have been fine tuning their marketing strategies for months, other's are only now just scrambling to put one together. At Marketing Eye, December and January is our highest inquiry month predominantly due to so many companies waiting until the last minute to develop their marketing strategies.

It's crazy because by leaving it to the last minute, you are already starting behind the 8-ball and giving your more organized competitors a head start. 

Here are some things that you should be thinking about:

Marketing agencies have a mix of large and small clients. Some clients are well known throughout the community and even globally, while others are known only in the sectors they represent. But sometimes you see a client stride from industry renown into national and global prominence.

GP Graders is one such client. Their commitment to technology innovation and customer service has just seen the company win the Australian Export Awards.
Black Friday is an example of marketing gone horribly wrong. To me they seem to bring out the worst in humanity; fights over televisions, people stepping on fellow human beings as they fall just to get to the deal quicker, ugly language and uglier behavior all in the name of a bargain.

After Thanksgiving, a holiday in which life is celebrated, it seems life is once again commoditised, the thanks is forgotten and the giving expected not earned.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently held a live-steamed Q&A from the company’s Menlo Park Headquarters.

The idea was to answer questions about Facebook's current direction. There were the usual questions, but the one question that was on many marketers’ minds was: what happened to the organic reach on my Facebook Page?
I am not one to divulge personal information. The most that anyone outside of friends and family really know about me is that I studied film and wanted to direct a movie; I get lost in music (everything but both kinds); I am a football fan and worked for a professional football club for approximately 12 years as a trainer; and I don’t drink coffee.  Some believe that non-coffee drinkers are untrustworthy, but I say that is a load of bitter tasting mud. 

Not being much of a conversationalist that is the best I can give most people. But as someone who has just become a regular blogger, I feel I must dig deeper.  

So, as my smiling face now adorns these blog posts, here goes. 
So you’ve founded a startup. You’ve been putting in the 80 hour weeks, working every moment you’re awake, sleeping in the office sometimes. And it seems like it’s paying off! Numbers are going up, and you’re getting some media buzz. But then—everything stops. Traffic drops off, registrations are down. You’re still trying to secure that next round of funding, and a drop in numbers right now could be fatal. It’s now or never. 

Okay, you can breath now. That was just a thought exercise. But it’s an important topic, and one any founder or aspiring founder should have a plan for. Just how do you kickstart your startup’s growth to get you to that next round? We’ve assembled five tools to help you get your startup off life support and into major growth mode. Read on. 
vast blog
is one of the most important facets of any marketing campaign. Although it isn’t something we think too much about when we are looking at an ad, logo or a brochure, the fact is if the design isn’t attractive we just won’t read the paraphernalia.

Earlier this year Business Insider ran a piece on The 15 Worst Corporate Logo Fails. Topping the list was the London 2012 logo, which some mistook for a Nazi logo and others for Lisa Simpson being a very naughty girl. 
Devon Wijesinghe is the energetic CEO of audience cultivation and conversion platform, Insightpool, an invaluable tool for large scale marketing campaigns. The company derives from the need for businesses to cultivate leads through social media engagement, and to maximize the investment of time, resources and money on existing social media engagement strategies.
Brand communication via smartphones is not a new concept, however marketing agencies and other savvy businesses are now making better use of the tool.

A report by eMarketer found that mobile budgets have increased more than 735% between 2011 and 2014 and spending is expected to accelerate.