Marketing Eye

Expert Marketing Blog - Page 3

Entering the fiercely competitive realm of digital marketing requires a sustainable social media presence, and the Robotic Marketer platform is your expert guide to implementing transformative strategies to improve social media engagement in Atlanta. Success in marketing goes beyond mere relevance; it demands adaptability and strategic finesse. The Robotic Marketer platform, driven by artificial intelligence and data analytics, doesn't just ensure current brand relevance but assures enduring sustainability. Let Robotic Marketer guide your brand toward a social media presence that not only survives but thrives in the digital era. Below, we delve deeper into how the Robotic Marketer platform can revolutionize your social media engagement.


Sitting for long periods is a modern-day plague caused by working too hard and not listening to our bodies and giving them what they need to be most healthy. We're chained to our desks, glued to our screens, and our bodies are paying for it. One of the biggest culprits? Poor circulation. The reality is that poor circulation can lead to something more damaging or concerning, so making life changes to fix this problem early is critical.


Navigating the dynamic terrain of digital marketing in today's world, it's clear that mastery in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any business desiring to excel. But what exactly encompasses SEO? It's a comprehensive process aimed at not just increasing the amount of traffic to your website via search engines, but also enhancing its quality. This is achieved by meticulously refining your website’s technical infrastructure, elevating the pertinence of your content, and bolstering your overall link presence. Such strategies guarantee that your web pages not only appear in search engine responses but also stand out prominently. 


A/B testing serves as the foundation of effective marketing, enabling data-driven decision-making that can revolutionize campaign outcomes. With 81% of marketers utilizing A/B testing to enhance conversion rates, its importance for campaign success is undeniable. Our mission is to simplify the intricacies of A/B testing and provide you with practical insights to harness its power effectively.


Staying informed is important for growth in any field, similarly, in marketing, staying updated with new platforms is crucial for real growth. TikTok has witnessed an explosive rise in popularity, boasting over 1.92 billion users globally, and is projected to surpass 2 billion by 2027, especially among the younger demographic. It has emerged as a powerhouse for creating engaging content, making it an essential tool for digital marketers. If you're new to TikTok and eager to learn how to leverage it effectively, you're in the right place. This blog will guide you through the fundamentals and clarify why TikTok stands out as the leading social media platform for audience engagement. Let's delve into it and harness the full potential of TikTok for your marketing endeavors.


Staying ahead of the competition is crucial in the growing technology space. SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, understands this well. To help its partners excel, SAP has highlighted a game-changing AI marketing tool on the MBF marketing platform - Robotic Marketer. This blog explores why Robotic Marketer is becoming a critical asset for SAP partners and how it’s shaping their success.


Atlanta's business environment has changed in the past decade making it harder for companies to stand out. As we approach a new year, it's time for Atlanta’s small to medium sized businesses businesses to think about their marketing strategies for 2024.


In the contemporary digital world, where countless channels compete for our attention, email marketing remains an important tool for businesses seeking to connect with their audience. However, the days of indiscriminately sending mass emails to an entire subscriber list are long gone. The necessity for targeted email marketing campaigns has emerged as a fundamental strategy for achieving success in today's competitive market.


As a contact center professional, you must be aware that the contact center industry is rapidly expanding. In such a progressive industry, where customer interactions are frequent, capturing potential leads and converting them into loyal customers is the ultimate goal. The sales funnel is the key to achieving this, and when combined with effective marketing strategies, it becomes a powerhouse for driving success. So let’s unveil the secrets of the sales funnel and explore the click-worthy marketing strategies that can help your contact center become a success.


In the high-stress world of contact centres, where customer interactions are frequent and often challenging, retaining top talent is a critical factor in achieving success. Employee retention not only saves costs associated with recruitment and training but also plays a significant role in maintaining high service quality. In this blog, we will explore the importance of retention in contact centres and how marketing strategies, along with industry associations, can contribute to this crucial goal.


Marketing, as we know it, is changing at an unprecedented pace. With the rise of technology, the influence of social media, and the shifting sands of culture, the landscape of marketing is undergoing a profound transformation. As we step into a new era, it's crucial to consider the perspective of Generation Z, the demographic cohort born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. Gen Z is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, and they bring a unique viewpoint to the evolving marketing landscape.


The emergence of online communication has given rise to a distinct language: emojis. While B2C brands have readily embraced this trend, using emojis extensively in their social media content, emojis have expanded beyond their initial boundaries. They have transformed into a universal language that transcends geographical and demographic constraints. Their exceptional ability to convey emotions, simplify intricate concepts, and infuse a human touch into digital interactions is undeniable. However, the question remains: Can these small symbols find a place in the realm of B2B, an arena often characterized by formality and professionalism? The answer lies in striking a delicate balance between maintaining professionalism and fostering relatability.


Becoming a Professional Marketing Consultant has gained significant traction in recent times. As businesses delve into the complexities of digital marketing, this profession has garnered a lot of attention. It likely appeals to individuals as it opens opportunities to be creative, create strategies and engage with visionary mentors.

While the idea of crafting brand narratives, designing innovative campaigns and connecting with diverse audiences across platforms is wonderful, success as a Marketing Consultant demands more than just creativity. It requires honed skills, from data analysis and trend interpretation to staying updated on the evolving digital landscape. Let's delve into five critical aspects that will help you establish yourself as a trusted and effective marketing consultant.


The realm of marketing is in a constant state of flux, but one core principle endures: the paramount importance of comprehending and forging connections with your target audience. As we immerse ourselves in the digital epoch, this symbiotic relationship becomes notably intricate, especially when navigating the divergence between millennials and Gen Z. Although these two groups share certain commonalities, their distinct preferences and behaviors encompass a wide spectrum, profoundly shaping their outlook. Understanding these intricacies is pivotal for marketers striving to effectively engage with these generations.