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Marketing Eye Atlanta

Marketing Eye Atlanta

The Marketing Eye Atlanta team has a combined 35+ years experience in marketing and communications. Marketing Eye Atlanta is well-known for high performance, technology-driven marketing campaigns that deliver results. The team members are experts in all facets of the marketing mix including strategy development, content marketing, branding, website development, public relations, social media, digital marketing, SEO, lead generation, direct marketing, etc.

If you want to capture the attention of your audience, you need to create the right materials to help them become familiar with what your company offers. Marketing collateral pieces are a great way to showcase that you know exactly what you are talking about, giving you a competitive edge in your field. With the right collateral pieces, you can further educate prospects with what your company has to offer.  

There’s a point in the sales funnel where the prospect is handed off to the next team member. Specifically, this is the point of the funnel where the marketing hands off prospects to sales and sales pass prospects to an account executive. The middle of the funnel is like a valve. At this point, you can expand lead quality definitions to pass a higher volume of leads to your sales team, or even tighten the definitions to give them a more specific segment of qualified leads. In the middle of the funnel, marketing facilitates the hand-off to sales. For this hand-off, content is created to engage and educate leads to identify who is interested in making a purchase. This part of the funnel has the most significant potential for marketing and sales to not completely align, so it requires the most attention. Below, we have some tips for how to prevent leads from going cold in the middle of the funnel.

Aligning the efforts of your marketing and sales departments can be a long, difficult journey to get everyone on the same page. While each department is working towards the same goal (generating revenue, growing the business), they are often using very different strategies and tactics to achieve the results. When you can combine the efforts of marketing and sales, you create an environment where two departments are using the strengths of the other to finalize sales and generate revenue for your business. But how can businesses align marketing and sales effectively and efficiently? Digital transformation.

Friday, 04 September 2020 14:39

How to Improve the Customer Experience

Today’s customer is all about the experience. From the very first interactions with your company’s branding to the final sale, companies need to provide a branded customer experience that will leave a lasting impression. An experiential marketing campaign takes the idea of a customer experience one extra step, by providing an experience. Experiential events can tell you a lot about your customer base, especially regarding what kinds of things they might engage with. Below, we cover the basic elements that your experiential marketing campaign should have.

Wednesday, 02 September 2020 15:18

3 Ways to Improve Your Consumer Marketing Tactics

Consumer marketing requires a different way of think for marketers who are generally operating in the B2B space. While B2B marketing focuses on the logical process-driven purchasing decisions for businesses, B2C marketing focuses on driving consumer purchasing decisions with emotion. Finding the right approach means tapping into the interests and habits of your customers, using the analytics at your disposal to make the right strategic choice to move forward.

Marketers have been using email marketing campaigns for years, pushing products, events, and anything else they want their audience to engage with. If the majority of people are checking their email every day (most are checking multiple times a day), why aren’t your campaigns working? While it might seem that email marketing as a whole doesn’t work, but it might just be that your processes are out of date. Engaging with your audience is like a game of chess: it requires strategy and planning, as well as the flexibility to adapt your approach when things don’t work. Below, we have five email marketing practices that don’t work anymore.


Thursday, 12 November 2020 11:30

4 Major Benefits of Marketing Automation

With all of the myths surrounding marketing automation, it’s understandable that some marketing departments are apprehensive about implementing automation into their processes.  But there’s no need to worry! Marketing automation can help streamline your marketing efforts and make your department more efficient. Below, we have four significant benefits of leveraging marketing automation into your daily marketing activities.

2020 doesn’t look the way we ever thought it would. Businesses have faced unprecedented challenges this year, creating significant disruptions to the way that everyone does business. Now is the time to focus on prosperity and growth for the rest of 2020, while building a strategic plan for your business to thrive in 2021. For your strategy to be as successful as possible, it needs to include certain action items that are measurable and attainable for your organization. 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 15:38

Why Startups Should Outsource Marketing

Startups understand the need for marketing initiatives, but they are also working on building a product. With all of the challenges that startups and small businesses face daily, the marketing strategy is not typically high on the priority list. Outsourced marketing is a very lucrative option for startups that are looking to elevate and support their marketing efforts and grow their businesses quickly. How can startups finish 2020 successfully while preparing for 2021? By finding a marketing partner that can elevate and support their marketing efforts.

Any business that is operating in 2020 deeply understands the need for flexibility and strategy to stay relevant with your audience. Whether you want to continue to be innovative or not, the simple truth is that inaction will do far more significant harm than pushing your business out of its comfort zone. The best way to transform your business and change with the times is by implementing a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is the tool to take your business to the next level and keep up with your audience's expectations.

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