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Marketing Eye Atlanta

Marketing Eye Atlanta

The Marketing Eye Atlanta team has a combined 35+ years experience in marketing and communications. Marketing Eye Atlanta is well-known for high performance, technology-driven marketing campaigns that deliver results. The team members are experts in all facets of the marketing mix including strategy development, content marketing, branding, website development, public relations, social media, digital marketing, SEO, lead generation, direct marketing, etc.
Monday, 16 November 2020 12:38

What Your Landing Page Needs

A landing page is specifically designed to encourage visitors to convert to a lead or a customer, making it a powerful component of your digital marketing strategy. The biggest obstacle to utilizing a landing page for your lead generation strategy is enticing visitors to put their information into your lead forms. What can your company do to get your audience's information? Below, we discuss 4 best practices for building a landing page.


Sales enablement is the practice of aligning your sales and marketing efforts to generate leads and convert them to sales. While both departments have similar goals, they each take a different method to accomplish these goals. Companies that experience misalignment of the sales and marketing departments are often dysfunctional, struggling to convert leads and generate revenue. Below, we discuss how you can know when your marketing and sales departments aren’t aligned.

Thursday, 05 November 2020 13:03

How to Build a Better Lead Generation Strategy

Are you treating customers like leads? Today’s customers are not interested in partnering with a company that will treat them like another number. The customer journey needs to be optimized to include everything your audience needs, whether that’s educational content, product demonstrations, or access to your sales team to discuss what they need. First, you need to develop a stronger lead generation strategy that will draw leads and provide value to where they are. Below, we have four ways to build a better lead generation strategy. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020 12:30

How to Successfully Nurture Leads

Nurturing leads is one of the biggest responsibilities marketers have in their relationship with the clients. While the process can look different each day, it’s important to develop an approach that works through A/B testing and studying analytics. By developing a deeper understanding of what your audience is looking for, you can begin to truly nurture the relationship from the first point of contact to the conversion. Below, we have four tips for nurturing leads.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:09

How to Prove Your Marketing ROI

Businesses are always looking for new ways to drive revenue while cutting down on margins at the same time. The return on investment in marketing needs to be considered from the beginning as a way to gauge your goals and track your progress. Not only do marketers need to consider what exactly the return on investment is, but which program received the best return. If you measure your ROI correctly, it can garner more trust, a bigger budget, and enable your marketing tactics to increase your business impact.


Friday, 23 October 2020 14:33

How to Prepare for the Future of Marketing

What does the future of marketing look like? The marketing industry is constantly changing in the face of several different challenges, and marketers should be prepared to change with it. Staying ahead of trends is never an easy job, but it makes a huge difference in preparing for the future. As we begin to transition into a 2021 state-of-mind, take the time to establish what your marketing priorities should be and what steps you can take to meet each priority in the years to come.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020 14:43

What a Strong Logo Needs

When you are building a business from the ground up, there is a lot to consider. It’s easy enough to focus on how your company will turn a profit, but there’s one thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks: the creation of your logo. Your logo will do many things for your business by giving your audience something to recognize and setting up a visual identity. Below, we have some essential considerations for your logo creation process.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020 11:49

What Your Marketing Strategy for 2021 Needs

It's no secret that 2020 didn't go the way any of us expected. Businesses have faced numerous challenges and disruptions since March, and there's no way to know when the world is going to go back to normal. While businesses can still operate, it's not as easy to move forward as it was a year ago. With 2020 slowly coming to a well-deserved conclusion, now is the perfect time for your company to invest in a marketing strategy for 2021. Below, we have some elements that every marketing strategy should include for 2021. 

Friday, 16 October 2020 11:35

How Marketing and Advertising Work Together

If you don’t fully understand the difference between marketing and advertising, you are not alone! Marketing and advertising are certainly related and intertwined, but there is a distinguishable difference between the two platforms. Each platform has different processes and approaches to promote products and services, but they work towards the same goal. Knowing how they differentiate will put your business on the path to success.

Monday, 22 February 2021 10:45

Keeping Your Business Relevant Right Now

Businesses around the world are struggling to find ways to be relevant in a business climate that is constantly changing. It can be a difficult process to find new ways to stick out from your competition on a good day, so it's important to find ways to reach your audience even when it's challenging. Below, we discuss four ways your business can stay relevant in even the most challenging business climates. 

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